Saturday, October 13, 2012

What the Presidential Candidates Say About Tech -

NYCTechMeetUp, a nonprofit group that represents computer coders and other technology industry people in New York, asked the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates to pitch how their policies ?would benefit the growth of New York start-up community and other start-up entrepreneurs.?

Each campaign responded.

Mitt Romney promised, among other things, to raise visa caps for ?highly skilled foreign workers,? lower the corporate tax rate to 25 percent and weaken the power of regulatory agencies. He offered a vague paean to technology entrepreneurs, too, some of whom have generously donated to his campaign. ?As president, I will emphasize policies that once again make America the best place in the world to make a discovery, start a business, hire a worker or find a job,? he wrote.

Barack Obama, once crowned ?the tech president,? sought to cast himself as the candidate who understands ?innovation? and praised technology professionals. ?And the reason I?ve never been more optimistic about the future is because of all of you,? he wrote. ?You?ll be the next entrepreneur to turn a big idea into something ? a new invention or an entire new

He told the group that he had invested in broadband connectivity, signed a law making it easier for start-ups to go public, established a ?start-up visa program? to allow foreigners to set up businesses in this country and created a new White House job ? chief technology officer.


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