Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Truth About Google Plus For Business

WARNING: These secrets have shocked a lot of people including
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? the big Internet Gurus. Don't Proceed at your own risk....

Welcome, I am glad you are here, you are going to thank me later :]

Re: Here's Google's Secret Plan....

From: Chris Lang

Hi, my name is Christopher Lang and I have been working night and day for three years to share this with you.

As you read this page you're going to become one of a very small and select group of marketers who know an astonishing secret to building highly targeted lists and achieving top search rankings fast... Bet your heard that line before didn't you? But this time it's true.

Are you ready? Are you sure?

Google, the giant, is now the largest social networking platform imaginable! It's so big that Facebook and Twitter are peeing in their pants like little boys trying to duplicate it. And they can't, because Google has been developing this behind the scenes for 10 years.

So what is Google cookin' up that is creating such a hype and uproar among Internet marketing circles?

Google has created a social networking platform where all its online services will be merged. Google has tied it all together with the new social sharing platform, Google Plus. G+ as we are calling it is creating the most powerful and user-rich experience imaginable.

So it's going to be something BIG and marketers will be able to reach their target audience without paying big bucks or waiting for ages. It is going to be marketing nirvana. That's the prime reason I am so freaked out and want to tell people about the most unique and small time-sloted window open for anyone wanted to grab the opportunity and become rich.

Google has tons of ways to promote your site and let your prospects and leads get to know you, but almost no one knows about them yet.

Sure you have heard of Google Plus, and Google Reader, but have you learned how Google Plus builds relationships at light speed?

But what you don't know is it goes way deeper than that. Way way deeper. In fact it took me thre years of slaving over this hot computer day in and day out, to get to the bottom of this for you.

Google has built the perfect viral marketing engine spread throughout more than 50 applications owned by Google. It is everywhere, you just need to know where to look.

We are talking places like Google Video Hangouts, YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail, your Google Calendar, Google Events, Google Plus and Google Places in Google Plus. Just like you saw in the webinar.

Here's Just a Sample of
What Google Is Doing Right Now:

And of course you get the boring stuff everybody else promises like driving big traffic, building huge email lists, saving a boat load of time and above all making money.

So before we learn more let's talk about what you are going to learn today...

  • Hidden marketing applications inside Google Plus and why you have to be using Google Plus on your blogs.
  • How to get your YouTube videos to rank top 10 under Google searches with big traffic under terms that your websites would never have a chance at.
  • Drastic changes in how Google ranks your sites. Hint: It is NOT just about incoming links as in past years. We are calling this new algo the Google Social Algorithm and you can be the only one using these new Google indicators of website quality. Or will it be your competition again like last time?

Listen... as a marketer you know that no matter what anybody tells you there is one true ingredient for online success...

And that ingredient is of course: Fresh Targeted Traffic and the best comes from Google search where real people with their credit card in their hand what to buy what you sell.

Traffic is the lifeblood of your Internet business and helps you to make sales and make money... no question about it.

And for MOST marketers getting traffic is a an enormous roadblock...

... it's a barrier that many cannot overcome...

They build a new web site, FTP it up to their server, and then cross their fingers that someone out there in the world wide web will stumble upon their site and buy something from them.

The truth is that approximately 95% of Internet marketers do not have enough traffic to make a full time income online, much less get a few sales here or there.

Do you know it take 30,000 visitors a month to make a real profit online? That's what it took me, 30,000 targeted visitors a month to gross $5,000 a week selling a $97 product.

And even those who do have enough traffic generally won't be able to maintain those traffic levels for the long term.

Until now that is (more on this in a sec.)...

Traffic... that's number 1...

But there is a 2nd ingredient to online success that seems equally frustrating to achieve for most online marketers.

You see... it has been proven time and time again that you absolutely MUST build your own targeted list to maintain and grow your business...

For most people building a sizable and responsive list could take years of hard work and effort, if they could ever do it at all...


It doesn't have to be this way.

In fact, for you, once you discover what I know, you could be one of a select group of marketers that is able to archive both of these top 2 ingredients for online success with ease.

In fact -- as you're about to discover, you could soon DOMINATE any niche you please with a top secret system engineered to help you quickly grab top rankings and build super targeted lists...

... almost at will!

Easily Build Targeted Lists, Achieve Top Rankings, And Get A Flood Of Targeted Traffic In Any Niche You Please!

For the first time ever, I am going to reveal the secrets to quickly and easily building your own enormous and targeted list in any niche...

I am sure you have heard that line before, I have too. But this is not some lame crap like AutoBlogging, advertising on Facebook or spamming Twitter with robots. Better yet what I teach does not cost you more money than you could ever make before you learn how to do it. In fact using my system will cost you almost nothing and not a cent more than the little I charge for my time. Gotta feed my kids you know?

I am going to teach you exactly how an average every day guy that can't even write a decent headline was able to make $5,000 a week in the first six months using my system. Because I used my own system to go from Internet loser to making more money that my wife could spend no matter how hard she tries. And she tries, believe me!

What's more...

I'm going to let you in on the unknown secrets I use to grab TOP search rankings (and all the traffic that comes with it) for any site you please.

... which gives you the freedom to make a LOT of money-- over and over and over again, each every month!

This information has never been exposed before... How can I say that? Because I invented everything I am going to teach you and I have kept this a secret till now. That's why!

Meet Google?s Nostradamus

Picture of Jack Humphrey Meet Google?s Nostradamus ? The SEO Oracle: Chris Lang. I?m listening to this guy. You should too!

On this page you won?t see a fancy suit, a Beamer, or any tell tale signs of a slick marketing guru. Chris is a straight up geek. The gurus are months behind ripping him off and selling his ideas as their own.

This is a good thing for you. The geeks are the ones to follow. When a guy like Chris is the only one talking about something, you know the ideas and tactics are cutting edge.

"Google social experts" will simply sprout up out of nowhere like alley cats on trash night behind the restaurant. But, you'll be inside the restaurant enjoying your meal of traffic, rankings, and popularity. They'll be getting the leftovers.

- Jack Humphrey

People like Mari Smith, Jack Humphrey and Howie Schwartz have called me the Nostradamus of Google... I've been referred to as "Google's Mad Scientist" and the #1 authority on Google, Social Search , Google Plus and Google's secret social network.

Now I don't know about all that, but I passionately analyze Google for social trends and coming applications and Chris Lang, (that's me) has been a recognized authority on Google for years.

Here's why top marketers call me a Social Seer:

  • June 15th, 2008 I predicted all of Google would become a social network
  • July 2008 I published a 10 page article detailing how Google Reader was a social bookmarking site and your friends list was based on your Gmail Contacts
  • September 16th I published a video when we saw Google Friend Connect being tested live on Blogger sites and predicted that the Blogger Followers gadget would become Google Friend Connect on Blogger. It did of course....
  • December 15th 2008, due to a code error in my local Phoenix Google datacenter all of Google's then super secret social networking applications were active in my browser.
  • We have quietly predicted behind the scenes that Google's social networking apps would become geo targeted in Google Maps and now today, April 22 nd we are seeing Google posts publicly geo-targeted in Google Maps and Google Local Search!

This Nostradamus level insight has taken over 3 years of research and development, this has not come easy...

And what's more -- all this social activity can bring you search rankings in Google that would make top Authority sites green with envy... I mean... we out rank Techcrunch, Mashable, ReadWriteWeb, The NY Times, Cnet and any one else but Google themselves for major search terms! Because our friends on Google tell them we should rank there.

Second to none!

Picture of Mari Smith "Chris' understanding of Google and Google Plus is second to none! We recently featured Chris on one of our webinars all about Google Plus and Chris totally blew everyone away with his infectious enthusiasm and insider-knowledge. I've also had the pleasure to see Chris speak at a seminar and have watched him over the past three years skyrocket his own success by going an inch wide and mile deep in his niche.

Chris not only understands all the technicalities of how to use the Google tools, but how to use them to build solid relationships with key influencers and how to build an insanely huge list. Now that's take-it-to-the-bank smarts!!

Google Plus is indeed the path to the future and Chris is far ahead of anyone in this arena. My students and I are thrilled to learn from him and stay on top of this ramazing new platform."

~Mari Smith
Social Media Speaker, Trainer & Consultant

So "What can I do with this you ask?" scratching your head...

With just one of my strategies you can easily outrank your toughest competition in Google results that you never thought you could get anywhere near before now (more on this in a minute). Don't believe me? Just click play on the video below and I will teach you how it works right now!

Plain and simple,
The More +1s You Get on a Google+ Business Page,
The More Highly You Will Rank in Google Search...

  1. Google+ business pages when created correctly become part of your website rather than a part of Google+ and are completely different that any other social media tool.
  2. Google+ pages have the ability to tally up all the +1s, shares and other indicators of quality and apply it to the connected business website. They even display these totals on the business pages themselves. Personal profiles cannot do this. Google+ business pages integrate highly with Google Analytics tools, returning not just how the page performed, but how it performed as part of your sales and marketing process.
  3. If you are local brick and mortar business owner, we again believe that your Google+ Local Page will have a direct affect on how you rank in Google local search and integrate with your Google Places page highly in Google Maps. Bottom line, your business page should be your starting point and your personal profile should be almost like everyone else's, just one of the people sharing it's great content.
  4. I am sure you will agree that these are very serious business tools, and all have direct affect on the most important part of your business and that is sales. So why would I treat this section with kid gloves and begin setting goals around your personal profile? Doing so would actually put a entire extra layer between you and your real goals, and that is making more money.

A Brand New Google Analytics Is Live!
Let's Take A Look At The Brand New Tools Google Just Gave You

  • Google Plus can be your Twitter, Facebook and Newsletter all rolled into One!
  • You can target the interests of your Google Plus Circle Members
  • Google Plus displays laser targeted AdWords ads in Search for you
  • Google Plus then saves all this activity in your Webmaster Tools and Site Analytics

So, as we see Facebook becoming a place for friends and family, we see Google+ becomeing a social network for businesses

Google Plus Shares, Traffic and Conversions
Show Right Now In Google Analytics

But Facebook and Twitter Are Not Tracked In Google Analytics
So I Created A Special Tracking Code So You Can Measure Twitter & Facebook Too!

You Get My Tracking Script To Make
Google Analytics and Website Work Together Like This
All Part Of Your Google+ Training

You can view member trends over time and graphs of your users interests taken by you on Google Plus.

Imagine being able to find out the niche interests of your members that you may have overlooked. Then being able to better serve them content AND display more targeted offers and ads.

We have always said Facebook is about Facebook, Twitter is about news and Google is about making money: Both for themselves and you.

More true than ever now, the only social network that pays you. Better learn how to use this now.

Before your competition does.....

Google+ Is Not Your Only Super Traffic Tool
Because YouTube Will Become Part of Google+ Soon Too...
You Are Not Just Building A G+ Following
You Are Building Mega YouTube Traffic Too!

Here is an exact piece of the Google social ranking system now at work on YouTube.

Let's say you rent a video from the local store and you head home to enjoy it. Bad news, it sucks and probably like me, you fall asleep in the middle of it. Well, Google looks at online video the same way. If you don't watch the whole thing then you lost interest in it at some point. Not the best indicator of a video's quality, right?

Well let's say you are watching an awesome YouTube video, you laughed, you cried, you tweeted it. Then you would probably watch it again. Then email the link to your buds, share it on Facebook or Tweet it. Am I right here? Well Google thinks the same way. If it is good you watch it more than once. Then you tell your friends about it.

Well that is how Google is ranking YouTube videos right now. They are using things that can't be done by machines, things that must be done by real people when they like the piece of content. Here's the ringer. When you rank #1 in a YouTube search your video will rank top 10 in a Google search for the same term.

My best performing video is about the new Google Pages. It is seen by Google as the best quality video for that search term. That video alone is about to cross 9,000 views in only 6 months and you can do the same when you learn my system to produce these social real person indicators of quality.

I want to assure you all my secrets, this in no spamfest I am talking about here. Everything is whitehat and Google loves what I do and they will love you too. Your competition? Maybe not so much.

Google's New Social Algorithm Ranking System

More and more we are seeing Google rank sites by things that can only occur when a real person takes an action because the content is seen as valuable, useful, entertaining or just plain well written.

As I said Google is already using this social algo to rank Google Plus posts. Incoming links mean little, it is all about sharing a video being seen as an action that can't be faked by software.

Google is using the same kind of things to rank sites in local search, blogs ranked by the number of RSS readers and a boat load more that we just don't have time to explain here. "Why didn't I figure that out already myself?" you say slapping yourself on the forehead!

That is why you need my advice now: So..

Ask Yourself this:

The Truth About Google + Training was engineered from the ground up over 3 years, spanning 700 + pages and counting. The Truth About Google + helps you quickly and easily begin generating your own massively profitable list AND achieve top search rankings FAST with Google's new social network.

Whether you have had any experience or not building your own list or generating floods of targeted traffic before -- this step by step course reveals EXACTLY what you need to know to begin creating a list or adoring fans that will buy whatever you recommend...

And even more -- you'll find yourself able to easily achieve top rankings, grabbing floods of highly targeted (and free) traffic!

Here's you get the very first day:

  • Day one you get 35 chapters of step by step information that took 3 years to compile and research
  • You get 700 pages written my me, the one and only Google social networking authority, Chris Lang
  • I could sell the YouTube information alone as a separate product for $500 or more....
  • And that is just one section, there are 9 more
  • And that's not all....

You see, I want to make sure you are blown away your first month...

Unbelievable New Member Bonus (no BS)

Plain and simple, I want you to suceed online. So in your first few weeks with the Truth About G+, I pick up the phone, call you and after we get to know each other a bit, I make sure you don't have any problems I can solve right there on the spot. Until you tell me that you are in good shape we stay on the phone on my dime until we part as friends.

It does not matter what your problem is, I can solve it. So when you enter your info into the secure payment form, make sure the phone number is one you don't mind me calling.

Second, I am not here to make money, I am here to create loyal clients that succeed.

Third, there is a lot of misinformation out there by self proclaimed no it alls. They usually call themselves Social Marketing Experts or some crap like that. I have been teaching my students how to use Google the right way for three years now. That is why top marketers say the things they do about me. And I want you to get the same info they did. Not marketing incest as we call second hand information taken from articles I wrote years ago. (I have proof, just ask)

The Truth About Google Plus reveals everything you need to know in easy to follow step by step format. In fact, here's just a small sample of what you're about to discover:

Introducing the Google Social Algorithm: How Google uses things we do, actions taken by real people, to find indicators of quality in our videos, blogs and social profiles.

Get going now and discover the SEO of the next decade now or you will be playing catchup because your competition got a head start from me. Think if you had known 6 months before Google told us in 1998 that incoming links were the new SEO tool. What would you have done then?

Google Social Search: How to get in it now and how to get seen by thousands today in the NEW Google search rankings.

How Google really ranks YouTube videos. I don't care what you have heard about YouTube lately, you have never heard this because I intended it after discovering what Google really wants from you.

Google Plus, how to build a huge G+ following that shares your posts on Google and creates back links to your sites at the same time.

Get the new tools from Google that allows you to mail your newsletter from Google servers to your members and Get it to the Inbox everytime.

SEO secret from Hell: I am going to reveal my Google rankings secret that only 4 people in the entire world know, besides me. Because I discovered it!

Discover the insider secrets to quickly and easily building your own enormous and highly targeted list in any niche you choose thanks to the enormous power of Google+.

Find out why 2+2 = 5 and how this equation puts you at the helm of EVERYTHING!

Uncover the methods to using Google+ to absolutely DOMINATE any market you want -- this tool is so powerful you'll be astounded by what it will do for YOU!

See how Google Plus will become FAR more valuable than any other social site -- in fact this makes FaceBook and Twitter almost worthless by comparison!

Find out why just 1 single Google Plus friend is worth 1000 Facebook friends (or tweeps) for your business!

Find out the exact tools you need to start building your own highly targeted and extremely responsive list to begin generating cash sales -- FAST!

Discover how you can literally DOMINATE your market and achieve rankings that would make long standing authority sites jealous of you!

See the Google tool that is CRUCIAL to the success of any of your blogs -- and see why this means you won't have to waste time with Mixx or Digg ever again!

Find out how even Gmail will be an integral part of your rankings in the future and why you need to set your account up a certain way to make this work.

Discover the cutting edge options in Gmail coming in from Google's experimental division called Google labs that make mobile marketing a reality for anyone.

Learn about Google's new social algorithm and how this will change the online search game forever -- this information puts you so far ahead of anyone else that they'll never be able to touch you.

See how the number of RSS readers your blog has helps you to achieve rankings and how these Google tools will supply you more RSS readers than you know what to do with!

Discover how to "scoop" up new contacts from your competition -- I mean stealthily grab their top friends and contacts anytime you want!

Check out a case study on how these tools got my clients 143 REAL links on a brand new site in 24 hours!

Discover step by step how to force your competition to pay for their advertising because you'll own the search rankings - and you can do this VERY quickly with these unknown methods and tools!

And SO Much More -

This step by step training and illustrations hand you EVERYTHING
you need to know to dominate Google,
achieve top rankings at will,
and build enormous and ultra targeted lists in any niche!

When you grab The Truth About Google today,
I'm going to throw in even MORE dominating secrets.

Bonus: Hangout Fridays - $2400 Real World Value

Hangout Fridays - Hangout live one on one with me, Chris Lang, every Friday. Everyone gets 15 minutes with me, first come first serve every Friday. I set up a Google Plus thread just for you and I, documenting what problem we are trying to solve for you.

Then you can return every Friday for another 15 minutes, it's LIVE ACTION! We will document the problem I am solving for you and be able to review and follow up on your on going consulting right in Google Plus. My consulting is $197 and hour, you get this as part of your Truth About Google+ membership for no extra charge. $2400 value in just the first year as a member of our G+ community.

Hangout Out On Air Screenshot

Limited Time To Get This Bonus, Since I Can't Hangout All Day!

Click Here For Instant Access To The Truth About G+

This potent, step by step road map to Google domination has NEVER been revealed anywhere before... this is true insider information that can catapult you light years ahead of the pack and give you an extreme advantage.

Targeted lists and top rankings are easily achieved once you put this system into place -- and you'll be one of the first to do so!

If you're ready to plunder and pillage Google for subscribers, rankings, traffic and sales -- then the brand new Google Plus course is exactly what you need to get started today!

Look... nobody else even knows about this stuff yet. This is one of those rare opportunities where you can get insider information before everyone else does and use it to your own extreme advantage.

Helping you to create your own enormous list(s) -- and better yet -- helping you to achieve top rankings over ANY site and generate huge sums of cash in the process!

This secret training program is the real deal -- once you've seen the information contained in The Truth About Google Plus you'll find yourself building your new targeted lists at lightning fast speed and achieving rankings that so called authority sites will envy.

AND... while you might expect this to be thousands of dollars I want to help you get started with this right away, before anyone else even knows it exists...

So, I think you're in for a pleasant surprise here:-)

When you take action today, you're getting the complete step by step system, engineered by Google expert Chris Lang to plunder and pillage Google in any niche you please...

And I'm not asking the thousands of dollars this information is worth for you to get started today... no, if you take action now, you will get access to everything described above (the entire G Plus Truth course) all for the low one time investment of just...

That's right... you're getting this insider underground system for methodically (and easily) dominating any niche, getting top rankings in Google and building super targeted lists fast for just $97 today. Of course you can cancel at any time should the need arise.

Want the truth... Do it now:

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Google Plus Guaranteed

When you get The Truth About G+ you will have a full 60 days to review all the materials and try this out for yourself first hand.

I am 100% confident you will be absolutely BLOWN away by the secrets you are about to discover...

And while I feel quite confident you'll never want to let this information out of your grip, you are fully covered by my iron clad no hassle money back guarantee...

... which means if you are not completely blown away with this information you will get a prompt and courteous refund.

Discover everything you need to know to create your own enormous list and grab top rankings for any site (in any niche you please)... and it's entirely risk free!

Imagine Building A New Site One Day And Waking Up With Top Rankings The Next Day...

Imagine setting up a brand new site on a brand new domain one day and then heading out, having some fun and then coming home to grab some sleep.

Then imagine waking up the next day to check your stats and you find hundreds of new links...

... you discover you are ranking ALREADY for key phrases and getting targeted traffic.

I think we can both agree that getting targeted traffic this fast can only mean one thing for you -- immediate cash sales.

Well this is the kind of power available to you once you secure your access to The Truth About Google+.

This is cutting edge stuff that will put you light years ahead of anyone in your niche -- and it's laid out in an easy to follow step by step format with illustrations so that ANYONE can do this, regardless of experience or tech savvy!

That's right, The Truth About Google Plus puts you so far ahead of the competition to quickly and easily build your own highly targeted lists and generate floods of targeted traffic through top Google rankings you previously never thought possible!

... which of course gives you the freedom to make a LOT of money and dominate ANY niche you please!

The Truth About G+ is step by every single stepand will walk you by the hand through the entire process of building your own enormously profitable list and grabbing astonishing search rankings...

... FAST!

Yes... you could shortly unleash thousands or even tens of thousands of visitors to any site you please thanks to The Truth About G+.

And that all starts with this first small step.

Click the secure order button below to secure instant access to The Truth About G+, completely risk free today!

Click Here For Instant Access To The Truth About G+

Picture of Chris Lang, Google+ Expert Authority

To your Google+ Domination,

Chris Lang's signature

Chris Lang

PS: For just the low investment of only $97 you will have the insider secrets to quickly and easily becoming the top authority in your niche on the next Twitter and Facebook. And before your competition even realizes what Google is doing for you -- and NOBODY else knows about this yet -- you will have an EXTREME advantage over your competition starting today!

Click Here For Instant Access To The Truth About G+

PPS: This is the kind of game changing information that could transform your online business and give you an upper hand over ALL of your competition. G Plus Knights is step by step technique for plundering Google and quickly and easily building huge targeted lists AND generating floods of traffic.

Click Here For Instant Access To The Truth About G+

PPPS: You risk nothing today and you have my personal stay friends style, proof, 100% 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee. Try The Truth About Google Plus out in full for 60 days. I am sure you absolutely love it. If it is not for you then that is fine too!

Click Here For Instant Access To The Truth About G+

PPPPS: Our Grand Opening sale pricing will not last long! If you order now you will lock in the special pricing forever! Even if our membership pricing goes up you will never pay more than $97 . Be sure and act now and let's work together to master the new Google! It's less than the price of lunch! What are you thinkin mate?

Click Here For Instant Access To The Truth About G+


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