Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Missio Dei: Where Worlds Collide: Changes and Trusting

????????? The last couple of months have been an emotional roller coaster. So much has been going on! I was at training from July 12 ? August 5 with the General Board of Global Ministries and it was a life changing experience. I met some amazing people from all over the world and we participated in really deep and challenging conversations to prepare us for our next journeys. They were conversations that got to the core of who I am and how I interact in the world. Towards the middle of training I developed this sense of inadequacy. We were listening to people who were experts in their fields and sometimes I couldn?t even follow fully what they were trying to convey (usually in the economic and political areas)! I saw how much there is for me to learn still. A quote that kept coming back during training was that ?God doesn?t call the equipped. God equips the called.? This was a big comfort to me during those days. It?s ok if I don?t know or understand everything. This is the beginning of a huge learning experience and a new life journey.

????????? I realized that I have been working in areas of direct service my entire life. For example, if a person is homeless, we deliver food and provide shelter, but how often do we look at what is really causing people to be homeless and advocate for change in those structures? I almost never have. As a country and a world, we have systems of oppression that perpetuate poverty. I?m just beginning to see that and I pray that my eyes may continue to be opened. As I begin to see more clearly how people around me are being oppressed, I want to advocate for change so that people may live in equity. This was my main take away from the training and the thought that has stuck with me, although we talked about so much. I developed a strong support community with the other young adult missionaries and staff as we participated in these conversations and then had fun, silly times as well. No community would be complete without a little fun as well!

????????? Since I?ve been back home, I?ve had the privilege of sharing my story at churches and being prayed over. It has been a time of celebrating memories and relationships, as well as mourning over coming changes and transitions. I am SO blessed to have such wonderful people in my life and I can?t wait to create many more memories in the future with all of you!?

????????? Now, this will be new news to many of you. I should have been leaving the country tomorrow, but?unfortunately problems have arisen with my visa and the visas for the 2 other mission interns going to South Africa. Additional paperwork has been requested and we are now waiting for it to process. Our timeframe is a little uncertain. My best guess is that I will be around for 5-6 more weeks, but it is ultimately a guess. I was initially disappointed about the change in plans, but now I'm looking forward to all the ways that God can use me during my additional time in Dallas. I'm trying to connect with more people and churches in the area. This program has already made such a huge impact on my life and I would love for more people to be aware of it, as well as, partner with me in my experiences. So, if your church or small group would like to learn more about young adult mission opportunities through the General Board of Global Ministries and my call to missionary service, let me know!


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