Tuesday, August 14, 2012

louis vuitton We will keep the family every day on the ICU front | My ...

High price of medical expensesto save her life died after two days in hospital is still in charge of new Wando people Wu Xiying calculus of bile duct in the hospital 30 days spent 450000 ,questioned the families of hospital for suspected defrauding Medicare costs Dongguan times chief reporter Zhao Hongjie Intern Tang Zhiqi cut to yesterday ,Wu Xiying of 49 years old ,lying in the funeral home has a full 9 days .
She has yet to be laid to rest ,louboutin,leaving 450000 yuan high medical debt at the same time ,also let the family and hospital in can mediate the dispute .Enter from February 21st is located in Fenggang town of Yantian Southern Medical University hospital ( hereinafter referred to as the hospital ) ,with bile duct stones she has in March 1st ,March 3rd ,March 15th for the three time operation ,but ultimately failed to save her .
Discharge summary display ,announced the clinical time of death for five thirty-two on March 21st ,direct died because of circulatory and respiratory failure .But the hospital inpatient costs table display ,hospitalization time until March 23rd .
People are dead for two days ,is still in use ? Families in questions about death at the same time ,hogan,the high medical cost also saddened , for the patient is the social security card ,self-medication and private clinics, to the family agreed, to medicine !The 450000 element ,which is astronomical ! In this regard, hospital medical department director Yang Xiaojun said ,failed to give a patient family members to provide medication lists, is the work of defects .
The 30 day ,450000 ,the average daily medical costs 15000 yuan ,urban hospital office staff understand said , the patient may be used so many medicines ,but 450000 yuan ,really a bit high price ! 3 years of accumulated disease hospitalized Wu Xiying and wife Xiao Guohai ,from Hubei, Guangshui ,beginning on 1999, in Fenggang, Yau Kam Po, a hardware factory .
Three years ago,hogan outlet, Wu Xiying abdominal pains began . But every episode ,health station to eat anti-inflammatory drugs ,louis vuitton,hit antiphlogistic needle does not hurt . Xiao Guohai said that although his wife of nearly 50 years ,but beyond that the body is still healthy, in fact ,chaussures louboutin,are also thought to the hospital to be a comprehensive examination, there is no too much money ! Wu Xiying son-in-law, Chen Hanbin said ,he has repeatedly proposed to the hospital for an examination to mother-in-law ,and each time she rejected him , we are rural people, work in outside ,not so valuable .
However ,to the end of last year, Wu Xiying abdominal pain with each attack ,pains growing .To do B ultrasound examination of overseas Chinese hospital ,only found out bile duct stones mischief ,considering that the cold weather ,the Wu Xiying family of deliberation, decided to spring to do for the operation .
But the Spring Festival just before, Wu Xiying is once again in February 21st attack ,and have a fever ,and from the 120 received the Da Hiroki hospital . we all thought ,this is just like a cut appendix as a small operation .
Admission into unexpectedly died 8 days countdown hit antiphlogistic needle ,nine fifteen in the morning of March 1st ,by the Department of hepatobiliary surgery experts ,louboutin pas cher,Guangji hospital vice president Wang Chengyou perform a cholecystectomy and bile duct stone exploration .
Operation record : the end of operation .The patient safely back ward .Smooth operation ,and satisfactory anesthesia . However is not over 24 hours, the patient again painful ,then do the second operation ,and transferred to the intensive care unit .
On March 15th at four thirty in the afternoon ,Wu Xiying was again into the operation room .Preoperative diagnosis of biliary tract surgery :1 of septic shock ,multiple organ failure 2 .Five thirty-two on March 21st ,Wu Xiying was declared clinically dead ,the direct causes of death :circulatory and respiratory failure .
The diagnosis of death :1 cholecystitis ,cholangitis ,intrahepatic bile duct stones after surgery ;2 infection with hypovolemic shock ;3 of multiple organ failure ;4.ARDS ;5 by hernia cerebri .
At this point ,Wu Xiying in the hospital for 30 days .The death of Wu Xiying ,to the family left too much sorrow and tangle ,due to the hospital are not satisfied with the explanation ,her body still lying on the cold parlours ,has yet to be laid to rest .
The patient died leaving suspicion hangs one focus: death struggle families questioned medical process causing death do not do a bile duct operation ?How suddenly died ? Wu Xiying couldn .
Finish after the operation ,we also asked the doctor ,they replied ,operation very smoothly ,will recover soon . According to Chen Hanbin ,done after the first operation late on March 2nd ,the mother also began to feel pain in the abdomen , the doctor at the time to say,louboutin pas cher, this is normal ,after the operation will happen .
Chen Hanbin said , but my mother more and more pain ,pain in the days of shouting .Father made several attempts to find the doctor on duty ,but the doctor did not care ,so after 6 hours .
At about 5 am the next day ,Wu Xiying pain due to shock ,sac louis vuitton,do second times after operation in ICU . See the mother is so painful, we put forward to transfer ,but the doctor says that soon enough ,say to another hospital, we will have to pay about 200000 yuan for medical expenses .
Chen Hanbin says ,until this time ,they will know that cost up to about 200000 yuan , forced himself to cure it .On March 21st, Wu Xiying died .Her family distressed . Until her mother died 4 days before ,every time to ask the doctor ,they always say good fast ,fast .
Chen Hanbin said , why should we do not transfer let us turn ?Why does the doctor say a certain operation ,but ultimately put people to sleep ?We suspect that the first operation is successful ! Hospital response through checking and treatment process no problem for Wu Xiying hospital medical department director Yang Xiaojun said ,s a pity .
In fact as early as in the first operation ,on March 3rd ,Guangji hospital had to patient issued a Notice of the critically ill ill ,for one , limited to the current medical science and technology conditions ,although the medical staff had tried to treat patients for medical reasons ,there are still patients died may ,please to understand the patients .
To this, Wu Xiying was not placed on the heart , we feel that this is only a small operation . After the operation the condition is not optimistic .Yang Xiaojun said ,Wu Xiying is a purulent cholangitis ( severe ) ,at home and abroad the mortality rate is about 20%-30% ,up to 78% .
Wu Xiying is the doctoral tutor ,vice president of the Institute of Professor Wang Chengyou .In the Shenzhen Department of hepatobiliary surgery ,he is having a great reputation for a knife .
The first to finish after the operation ,Wu Xiying from the bile duct out of the two diameters are 2.0*1.0CM and 2.5*1.0CM stones, almost thumb so big . Yang Xiaojun said ,intrahepatic bile duct stones than in general case is much more complex, later presented with septic shock ,is unexpected .
Then we also invited Donghua Hospital of Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University and the expert consultation ,but unfortunately . Hospital medical department another responsible person said , through self-examination, we think that the treatment process is no problem .
Two focus: costs for 1 ,30 day of hospitalization should spend 450000 yuan hospital has invested a lot of manpower ,material resources ,Wu Xiying was gone .Afterwards ,their families have many times to hospital trouble ,asked for an explanation ,and to put in a claim for damages .
However ,hospital issued a hospitalization cost table ,let them terrified ? 450205.42 yuan ! Spend high price of medical expenses ,nor save one life ,it is not ridiculous ? Wu Xiying relatives had angrily , from the social security hospital procedures ,they never give the family to provide medication lists ! The reporter sees ,this list consists of 9 pages ,362 items of medical service ,including room fee ,cost ,operation cost ,plasma charge .
But did not display the day which medicine to use ,do medical rescue measures .Cost table eighth page display ,virus inactivating filter white plasma 200 ml by 61 units ,abercrombie france,150 ml of 15 units .
Total down ,the plasma used 14450 ml ,cost more than 20000 yuan .The blood bank headquarters to send blood 12 times ,at a cost of 3336 yuan ;Tangxia station to send blood 20 times ,at a cost of 1660 yuan .
One blood volume is approximately 8% of body weight ,50 kg of approximately 4000ML blood, 14450 ml of plasma to my mother blood ,even for 4 ?So important an exchange transfusion in the treatment of why not inform the family ?Why not provide daily medication lists ! Chen Hanbin questioned , say my family is not rich ,the hospital should also consider our economic capacity .
In response, Yang Xiaojun said , the work is flawed ,but use more, family may not be in the doorway . Director Yang said ,the cost is so high ,is mainly concentrated in the blood ,plasma ,platelets and protein .
This is a joke !We will keep the family every day on the ICU front ,every day will look for a doctor, you might not see families ! Chen Hanbin says .2 ,450000 medical expenses was confusion yesterday afternoon, the Municipal Social Insurance Bureau staff said ,Medicare patients hospitalized during the use of self-medication and private clinics, must pass the insured patient consent .
The insured patients can choose an itemized and one-time signature agreement . But Wu Xiying never saw the Dongguan social insurance hospital registration and self-financed projects signature single .
Therefore ,Wu Xiying together and put forward three requirements: 1 hope hospital to the families of the deceased apology ;2 to pay 500000 yuan ;3 for doctors and the hospital .But as a result of emotional overreaction ,families have made special moves ,Wu Xiying love Xiao Guohai and a doublet female for disturb public order in police custody .
We also know to do wrong, but it had no other way . Xiao Guohai says not clear ,his wife died , we want justice ,looking for the hospital who want to apply for the forensic identification, they always said to request the leadership .
Yesterday noon at the hospital ,the hospital medical department responsible person said ,before the patients not make money but not stopping medicine hospital ,is the humanitarian consideration .
Their family situation is not good, we are also willing to from the hospital charitable foundation which takes out 20000 yuan, as the funeral expenses to help them . The medical department of a responsible person said , but this money is not compensation ,because the hospital in the course of treatment is not the responsibility of the .
For the 450000 yuan for medical expenses, the responsible person said , we hope that they have the capacity to pay the premise ,gradually ,installment payment . 3 people died ,two days of hospitalization expenses also produced Wu Xiying discharge summary shows ,from February 21st to March 21st on admission ,discharge ,total of 30 days of hospitalization .
The average cost is 15000 yuan a day .However ,hospital inpatient costs statement is issued ,from February 21 to March 23rd . People are dead for two days ,but also to pay the hospital ? Chen Hanbin said , this is clearly in the fool us .
In addition ,abercrombie,Wu Xiying ,will also Guangji hospital issued 450000 yuan of cost table read , hospital is obviously want to use such a high cost shocked us, to put pressure on us, so we dare not make trouble ;and then to us 20000 yuan ,will attempt to resolve disputes .
Yesterday morning, reporters access to inpatient expenses ,since there is no daily checklist ,unable to query to the last two days of consumption items .In this regard, Guangji hospital said , there are pending charges list .
To have dead person, add the unclear costs ,this must let a person suspect ,hospitals have alleged that guarantee may . A friend of Chen Hanbin ,this one incident ,upload to each big forum ,in addition to the medical fee is number price ,many netizens also on hospital said a puzzling .
This act ,also need relevant departments for investigation .City Public Health Bureau hopes that both sides follow legal means to solve yesterday afternoon, the City Health Bureau of medical affairs department staff understand the general situation ,both sides should take legal means to seek a solution to the problem .
As families want their fair ,should to the City Health Bureau complaints to the complaints ,and then by the finance department ,health supervision card and other departments ,to conduct an investigation .
At present, the hospital and the families of the deceased have said ,to pass laws to settle the matter ,the newspaper will be further attention to the matter .Related links price charge of coming into the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University in patients hospitalized for 82 smallpox fee 1389000 yuan findings :multiple charges 207000 yuan in patients with Weng Wenhui ,male, 75 years old .
Suffering from malignant lymphoid tumors ,in May 16, 2005 admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University ( referred to as the No.2 Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University) ,in cadre ward and Cardiac Surgery ICU ( referred to as ICU treatment of heart surgery ) ,ultimately died of multiple organ failure ,August 6th died .
The 82 day of hospitalization, the hospital received a total hospital charges 1389000 yuan .Followed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the lead ,discipline inspection and supervision office ,State Council ,the Ministry of health ,Heilongjiang province discipline inspection commission formed a joint investigation group investigation .
Through research, No.2 Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University in the treatment of patients with Weng Wenhui over the course of the medical fees received 20.7 yuan ;cardiac surgical director ICU Yu Lingfan forged and organize the related staff in violation of the provisions of ,much altered Weng medical instruments ;part of department management confusion ,poor supervision of related functions of the department .
After discontinuation of No.2 Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University was sentenced to three Jiadeng hospital title for 1 years, mainly responsible in accordance with the law and discipline by processing .
The price of medical case in 2005 to become the greatest impact medical disputes .Patients admitted to Shenzhen People ICU119 smallpox fee 922700 yuan findings :much plan the cost of 47084 yuan Shenzhen day price medical fee events of the protagonist Zhu Shaoxia ,on September 13, 2004 to the people cardiovascular department of internal medicine ,then in the icu .
Shenzhen People says ,was because Zhu Shaoxia had been suffering from diabetes for many years ,uremia ,heart failure ,coronary artery disease in uncontrollable situations ,gradually merging renal failure ,pulmonary infection ,respiratory failure , has dying .
In the ICU ICU 119 days later ,Zhu Shaoxia died in January 10, 2005 ,the medical cost is 922700 yuan ,minus the prepayment fee of $261900 ,the balance of medical insurance fund only 194800 yuan ,still need to pay 460000 yuan .
Subsequently, his widow lady Xie Binwu helpless choice complaints .The price department of Shenzhen in July of that year the project fees complaints legitimacy identification .Upon investigation, the Shenzhen People medical history did not appear to alter, but the hemodialysis room during treatment do exist replacement fluid charge problem .
then , Wang phoned about Hebei in a negotiation , but the mind to Hebei , did not always agree with Wang reconciled . Feeling out of control Wang in order to save his girlfriend , began to frequent Hebei texting threat to the safety of the lives of their families . Ultimately , a Hebei intolerable Wang , instead of interrupted contact . Until February of this year , Wang of the drink again recall the matter, in retaliation for Ji a , Wang got two bottles of paint , came a door in the Hebei , will ignite the paint bottles thrown into one hospital in the Hebei . Fortunately, a view of a family in a timely manner to put the fire out . Related articles: abercrombie france abercrombie france Author louboutin pas cher abercrombie france

Source: http://www.mygardenanswers.com/59475/summer/louis-vuitton-we-will-keep-the-family-every-day-on-the-icu-front.html

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