Friday, August 17, 2012

Can a Man Be Addicted To A Woman? You Bet! ? Peace and Freedom

We are aware of substance addictions numerous people face. Some people face person addiction. Substance abusers are addicted to drugs and are aware of the bad effects but find it difficult to give up. Like wise, some people know certain relationship is bad for them but they find it hard to break away from it. Every relationship goes through usual periods of disagreement and disenchantment. It is inevitable as two people from different backgrounds come together. But a bad relationship involves continual frustration; there seems to be a potential in the relationship rather that potential is always out of reach (it can get better if I try little harder, it can get better if he/she give me a little more attention/affection).We feel we are attached to someone who is ?unattainable,? maybe, the person is not aware of our affection for them (one sided love), the object of our affection is committed to someone else (love triangle) or is not capable of having a committed relationship with anyone at all (we love the person more than they love us).? In such relationships the basic relationship needs of one or both partners are not met. Bad relationships destroy self-esteem and prevent us from moving on in our personal lives. They breed loneliness, rage, and frustrations, as there are not many common grounds of communication and enjoyment.


Our thanks and appreciation to to the authors at:


Read the entire piece at:

Following are ten steps are recommended by authors Howard Halpern and Robin Norwood. They have worked extensively on the dynamics of various types of relationships and their works are recognized in the field.

  1. Accept it is not love but a person addiction.
  2. Make your ?recovery? your first priority.
  3. Have courage to face your own problems and shortcomings.
  4. Identify your needs especially those gaps that make you feel undeserving or bad about your self.
  5. Focus on your needs instead of controlling and managing other people. Once you focus your attention on your needs and feelings you?ll discover you no longer need others to make you feel good or secure.
  6. Find out what brings you peace and serenity then practice that task. You can practice meditating or some exercises that will connect you to your core and the greater universe.
  7. Live your life with consciousness. Be aware of relationship games and traps that can get you ?hooked? like trying to ?rescue? (helper) some one even when they are capable of handing their problems, ?prosecutor? (blamer) so and so is a bad person or is a cheater etc., and ?victim? (acting helpless even when you can find ways to address your problems).
  8. Seek support from people/friends who understand what you are trying to change.
  9. Share this knowledge and what you have experienced reading this page with others.
  10. Consider getting professional counseling.

For additional help refer:

Halpern, H.M. (1982).?How to break your addiction to a person,?New York, NY: MJF Books.

Norwood, R. (1985).?Women who love too much.?Los Angles, CA: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.

Scheffer, B. (1987).?Is it love or is it addiction??Brenda. USA: hazelden.

Read the entire piece at:


Sexual addiction?(sometimes called?sex addiction) is a?conceptual model?which attempts to explain some forms of?hypersexuality?sexual urges, behaviors, or thoughts that appear extreme in frequency or feel out of one?s control?in terms of being a literal?addiction?to sexual activity.

Hypersexuality is often associated with addictive or obsessive personalities, escapism, psychological disorders, low self-esteem, self-destructive behavior, lowered?sexual inhibitions?and behavioral conditioning.?Alcohol,?hormonal imbalance?and change of life hormone levels (puberty, adulthood, middle age, menopause, seniors),[1][2][3]?behavioral conditioning?and many?drugs?affect a person?s?social?and sexual inhibitions, while reducing integral?human bonding?abilities for intimacy.?Addictionis the state of behavior outside the boundaries of social norms which reduces an individual?s ability to function efficiently in general routine aspects of life or develop healthy relationships.

Medical studies and related opinions vary among professional?psychologists,?sociologists, clinical?sexologists?and other specialists on sexual addiction as a medical physiological and psychological?addiction, or representative of a psychological/psychiatric condition at all. Proponents of the sexual addiction model draw analogies between hypersexuality and?substance addiction?or negative behavioral patterns similar to?gambling addiction, recommending 12-step and other addiction-based methods of treatment. Other explanatory models of hypersexuality include sexual compulsivity and sexual impulsivity. Sexologists have not reached any consensus regarding whether sexual addiction exists or, if it does, how to describe the phenomenon.

See Wikipedia:


Addiction specials are everywhere and many have all kinds of experience with various forms of addiction. Many tell us for most people the treatment starts like this:

1. Seek professional help.

2. Be honest and face your addiction and talk about it.

3. Join a group that deals with your addiction.

4. If you join a 12 Step Program do the steps with someone more experienced than your self (a sponsor).

5. Be patient and don?t give up! Recovery is always rewarding!

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Tags: addicted to another person, entertainment, News, psychology, relationships, sex addict, sexual addiction


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