Saturday, August 18, 2012

Back to School Issue Get Your Memoir Started and Published ...

Welcome to the August/September Newsletter

Welcome to all new members and subscribers! It?s back to school time, which means that we go out and buy new notebooks and pens-do you do that? I just love the feel of a brand new notebook and the great selection of new pens! We are celebrating back to school with a whole lot of great events at NAMW that will help you kick start or stay on track with your memoir. Our FREE Roundtable discussion and our member teleseminars will give you tons of great information about publishing your memoir, and finding ways to get unstuck. We have lots of new classes and workshops starting this fall, and even more?a membership sale. Read on to find out more of the resources we have planned for you!

As you all know by now, I?m passionate about memoir writing and helping writers have the information they need to begin, write and publish a memoir. In addition to all the new live events, we have in our archives many free audios and articles you can read, as well as a huge selection of audios for members to download and listen to at their leisure. One woman wrote me and told me that she was washing her car as she listened to some of our teleseminars!?

I hope you enjoy your back to school experience! I?m having fun learning, teaching, and writing, and can?t wait to go out and shop for my new notebooks!


Upcoming Events at the National Association of Memoir Writers


August Member Teleseminar

August 17, 2012 11 AM PDT, 12 PM MDT, 1 PM CDT, 2 PM EDT

How Do You Know You?re in the Muddy Middle of Your Memoir?

Brooke Warner & Linda Joy Myers

During this informative teleseminar, Brooke Warner and Linda Joy Myers, memoir coaches and partners in the Write your Memoir in Six Months program, will talk about the stages of memoir writing and how to use theme, scenes, and plot to create the arc of your memoir. In the Muddy Middle, you lose sight of the beginning and can?t see the end. Your inner critic rises up: ?You?ll never finish, you don?t know how to write a book. Why bother?? If you know what to expect, you can better endure the ups and downs of writing a book.

Brooke and Linda Joy will discuss:

  1. What?s the Muddy Middle looks like, how you know you?re there.

?????? 2. How to maintain perspective during the process of writing your book.

?????? 3. Stages of your memoir journey.

Read more here


September FREE Roundtable Discussion

Thursday, September 12, 2012



Keeping Your Book Alive Part I and II: Advice for authors who Need a New Publisher; Low-cost/no-cost Marketing Ideas

Madeline Sharples, author of Leave the Hall Light On, and guest of us here at NAMW last year, had to figure out what to do when her publisher went out of business. She found Mike O?Mary, a small publisher, who was eager to look at her work and decided to publish her book. Together they will discuss resources and options for authors in this FREE roundtable discussion at the National Association of Memoir Writers. Read more here?


September Member Teleseminar

Friday, September 21, 2012

11 AM PDT, 12 PM MDT, 1 PM CDT, 2 PM EDT

We?re so pleased to have as our guests two authors who have made their mark in the publishing and memoir world, Linda Austin and Sonia Marsh.


Fall 2012 Memoir Writing Workshops & Classes


Healing Memoir/Spiritual Autobiography Fall 2012 Workshop

September 18-November 13.

In this teleworkshop led by Linda Joy Myers, NAMW founder and president, writers receive positive and supportive feedback to vignettes or chapters. The group gathers on the phone each week at a set time to discuss the works submitted the previous week by email. Each person gives feedback to all the other group members?supportive feedback that helps the person keep writing while also learning about things that could be emphasized or changed.

The workshop setting invites writers to

  1. Meet a deadline each week.
  2. Dig deep into their truths
  3. Get support for continuing to write their memoir and become a published author.
  4. Learn about the healing power of writing.

?And provides an opportunity to:

  1. Learn about writing skills and techniques.
  2. Gather with others who are writing memoir and learn from the group wisdom.
  3. Have an experienced leader guide the group through the emotional challenges of memoir writing.
  4. Learn about writing, publishing, and the special issues that memoir writers face.

?Read more about the workshop and sign up HERE


Online Memoir Writing Classes with NAMW

The focus of a class is to offer techniques, information, and some writing exercises to help you practice your new techniques.


Two new classes in September/October:??????????????????????????????????????????????

Starting Your Memoir Journey Now
Wednesdays, 4 PM PST/7 PM EST???

September 5, 12, 19, 26

If you want to write a memoir, but don?t know where to begin, join us for this brief course to get you started. In this four-week course, Linda Joy Myers and Brooke Warner will help you identify how to start and what kind of memoir you are writing. We?ll look at your stuck places and offer some skills to achieve your dream of completing your memoir. For more information or to sign up:

Non-members: $99

NAMW Members: $89


The Four Elements

Jerry Waxler

?90 minute teleclass

4 Mondays September 24, October 1, 8, 15


To start a memoir, and just as importantly, to keep going, you must master the art of self-direction. This workshop will provide you the four essential elements to overcome resistance, and harness positive energy. Based on Jerry Waxler?s Four Elements of Self Help for Writers, the class will help you get to your chair and maintain focus and creativity while you?re there. Read more?

Non-members: $109

NAMW members: $99???



?Times They Were A-Changing:

Women Remember the 60s & 70s

Editors: Kate Farrell, Linda Joy Myers, Amber Lea Starfire?


Where were you in the 60s and 70s?? Seeking women with telltale stories of that extraordinary era for a unique anthology: Times They Were A-Changing: Women Remember the 60s and 70s. Prizes will be awarded to the top three personal narratives, though all entries are eligible for publication: First ? $300, publication, and 5 copies of the anthology; Second ? $150, publication, and 3 copies of the anthology; Third ? $75, publication, and 2 copies of the anthology. Deadline: January 15, 2013. Entry fees: $20 for prose, $15 for poetry. For complete guidelines visit .


Write Across the Golden Gate

2012 Writing Contest sponsored by the Marin branch of the California Writers Club

$500.00?1st prize for best Fiction & Non-fiction

Deadline: August 31, 2012

Information about this contest at?


Enter Writer Advice?s New Contest: SCINTILLATING STARTS. Grab and hold us with your opening paragraphs. Deadline is October 15, 2012 & details are at

If you?re opening is shared on Writer Advice, you?ll be able to tell prospective agents, publishers, and book buyers that you were one of the winners of Writer Advice?s First Scintillating Starts Contest.


Membership Sale

It?s time to celebrate ?Back to School? here at NAMW! From August 16 through August 20, 2012 at midnight. NAMW is offering $20 off the cost of an annual membership to NAMW!

This sale is in recognition of the current NAMW workshop offerings. It?s your chance to become a member and go back to school! Members of NAMW receive substantial discounts on most of the workshops that we are rolling out for fall.

At NAMW we believe that taking classes encourages you as a writer to stretch your knowledge base and develop new skills. If you are working on your memoir, and want inspiration, education, and accountability, join us to support you to get your memoir written and published.

Become a member today! Simply enter Coupon Code ?20-OFF? at checkout and become a member today!

Current and expired members are also encouraged to take advantage of this sale.? If your membership is still active, we?ll simply add 12 months to whatever amount of time currently exists on your membership.? It?s that easy!

Click here to become a member or renew your membership.


Writing Prompts

  1. What is your goal in writing a memoir?
  2. What are your three favorite stories in your life? List them and write them one by one.
  3. Do you feel that you want to heal certain parts of your life in writing your memoir? If yes, write down five reasons you want to enter your journey of memoir writing.
  4. Journal on these topics:
  • Witnessing and Testimony in memoir
  • All the confessions you want to make in your first draft
  • How you want your memoir to help change lives.


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