Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Top 10 Games That Need a Remake Day 1 - The Gamers Blog

I went look?ing through all of my games the other day both good and bad and thought to myself that sev?eral of these games deserve a remake if not a sequel depend?ing on the fran?chise. ?So for this week I?m going to go over sev?eral games that stick out to me that are dying for either a sequel or just a full blown remake.

Yes I actually still have this manual and the original game discs.

Yes I actu?ally still have this man?ual and the orig?i?nal game?discs.

The Game:

This game is prob?a?bly one of my most trea?sured games of all time. ?It had a mas?sive fol?low?ing back in the 90?s when Space Com?bat Sims were wildly pop?u?lar on MSN gam?ing zone. ?By the way MSN gam?ing zone was one of the coolest gam?ing com?mu?ni?ties ever next to heat.net. ?Those of you who rec?og?nize those names deserve some?props.

Today?s game (you guessed it) is Xwing vs Tie Fighter. ?As I?m sure many of you know there were many titles in the Xwing and Tie Fighter series along with sev?eral expan?sions so before any?one gets offended that I didn?t choose Tie Fighter or X-Wing please under?stand that I am tak?ing this fran?chise as a?whole.

X-Wing vs Tie Fighter (XvT) allowed you to take con?trol of sev?eral rebel or impe?r?ial fight?ers and fly mis?sions every?one from escort?ing to destroy?ing impe?r?ial or rebel fleets. ?It also allowed you a wide range of con?trols over your fighter craft allow?ing you to pilot and fight in sev?eral ways. ?Many of you remem?ber the quote from A New Hope ?shields dou?ble front?. ?This quote has a real impor?tant mean?ing in XvT along with many other cus?tomize?able aspects of your fighter craft.

Why We Loved?It:

XvT was not only a top notch game, and a Star Wars game to boot but it was also one of the first Star Wars games to allow true multi-player and co-op mis?sions. ?It also had a very large num?ber of mis?sions that could be played in may dif?fer?ent ways and had an early form of acheive?ments. ?If you could beat a mis?sion on a cer?tain dif?fi?cultly level within a cer?tain amount of time you would get a dif?fer?ent medal. ?The replay value on XvT was extremely high.

It also was extremely?mod?i?fi?able?and there was a huge mod?ding com?mu?nity that added a ton of con?tent into the game which include but wasn?t lim?ited to new mis?sions, addi?tional?star ships?and fight?ers and new sounds. ?Cre?at?ing mis?sion was extremely excit?ing as you could basi?cally cre?ate and bat?tle you wanted to cre?ate and play it out real time. ?I was involved in a few of these com?mu?ni?ties but the ones that really stuck out, before they dis?ap?peared were Data?mas?ters XvT and Cor?re?lian Ship Yards. ?They had some amaz?ing mod?el?ers and mis?sion design?ers and they added years of replaya?bil?ity to the?game.

For it?s time XvT was an extremely pretty game and it was very immer?sive. ?You got to pilot almost any fighter you wanted to on both the Impe?r?ial and Rebel side and once you got bored you could with a few edits add in any ship you wanted and later down the road you could pilot capi?tol ships! ? Granted those were a lit?tle buggy but it was fun none the?less.

Why It Needs a Remake:

While XvT was impres?sive for the time the tech?nol?ogy of the day really didn?t do it jus?tice. ?Graph?ics tech?nol?ogy today com?pared to the 90?s has lit?ter?aly jumped a galaxy. ?XvT with a DX11 setup on a solid gam?ing PC or a con?sole would look mind bog?gingly beau?ti?ful. ?The dog fights, explo?sions, dis?inti?grat?ing cap?i?tal ships and the improved sounds would make a mod?ern day XvT a sight to behold.

It?s time to res?ur?rect the Space Com?bat genre? sadly it has been on it?s deathbed for quite some time and ever since the advent of mod?ern con?soles with the excep?tion of the X Uni?verse by Egosoft there has been lit?tle or no move?ment in this genre. ? I think a qual?ity Lucasarts title (yes I know that is very hard to imag?ine) would go a long way into breath?ing life back into this dor?mant?genre.

Will it happen:

Lucasarts has been teas?ing for years that there is an ?X-Wing? game in the works but noth?ing has ever been?offi?cially?announced yet. ?Hol?ly?wood Games, the orig?i?nal devel?oper, said they would love to do another title if the fund?ing was pre?sented to them. ?If any addi?tional news comes up you will hear it here?first.

Check out some more images and videos below:

Two of these videos are from the expan?sions Bal?ance of?Power.

Posted by thsoundman Jul 31, 2012 Last Updated Jul 31, 2012

Source: http://www.thegamersblog.com/top-10-games-that-need-a-remake-day-1/

miranda kerr adriana lima victoria secret angels fox 4 fox 4 vs fashion show 2011 victoria secret fashion show

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