Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Billboard with President and Colorado Shooter Sparks Controversy ...

Posted on: 2:47 pm, July 30, 2012, by Christie Walton, updated on: 03:30pm, July 30, 2012


CALDWELL COUNTY, Idaho ? An electronic billboard in Idaho featuring President Obama and suspected Colorado gunman James Holmes is getting nationwide attention.

The billboard was erected by the Ralph Smeed Foundation. A spokesperson for the Smeed estate told the media the billboard isn?t comparing the two men but comparing the way society has reacted to the pair.

Source: http://fox4kc.com/2012/07/30/billboard-with-president-and-colorado-shooter-sparks-controversy/

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Top 10 Games That Need a Remake Day 1 - The Gamers Blog

I went look?ing through all of my games the other day both good and bad and thought to myself that sev?eral of these games deserve a remake if not a sequel depend?ing on the fran?chise. ?So for this week I?m going to go over sev?eral games that stick out to me that are dying for either a sequel or just a full blown remake.

Yes I actually still have this manual and the original game discs.

Yes I actu?ally still have this man?ual and the orig?i?nal game?discs.

The Game:

This game is prob?a?bly one of my most trea?sured games of all time. ?It had a mas?sive fol?low?ing back in the 90?s when Space Com?bat Sims were wildly pop?u?lar on MSN gam?ing zone. ?By the way MSN gam?ing zone was one of the coolest gam?ing com?mu?ni?ties ever next to heat.net. ?Those of you who rec?og?nize those names deserve some?props.

Today?s game (you guessed it) is Xwing vs Tie Fighter. ?As I?m sure many of you know there were many titles in the Xwing and Tie Fighter series along with sev?eral expan?sions so before any?one gets offended that I didn?t choose Tie Fighter or X-Wing please under?stand that I am tak?ing this fran?chise as a?whole.

X-Wing vs Tie Fighter (XvT) allowed you to take con?trol of sev?eral rebel or impe?r?ial fight?ers and fly mis?sions every?one from escort?ing to destroy?ing impe?r?ial or rebel fleets. ?It also allowed you a wide range of con?trols over your fighter craft allow?ing you to pilot and fight in sev?eral ways. ?Many of you remem?ber the quote from A New Hope ?shields dou?ble front?. ?This quote has a real impor?tant mean?ing in XvT along with many other cus?tomize?able aspects of your fighter craft.

Why We Loved?It:

XvT was not only a top notch game, and a Star Wars game to boot but it was also one of the first Star Wars games to allow true multi-player and co-op mis?sions. ?It also had a very large num?ber of mis?sions that could be played in may dif?fer?ent ways and had an early form of acheive?ments. ?If you could beat a mis?sion on a cer?tain dif?fi?cultly level within a cer?tain amount of time you would get a dif?fer?ent medal. ?The replay value on XvT was extremely high.

It also was extremely?mod?i?fi?able?and there was a huge mod?ding com?mu?nity that added a ton of con?tent into the game which include but wasn?t lim?ited to new mis?sions, addi?tional?star ships?and fight?ers and new sounds. ?Cre?at?ing mis?sion was extremely excit?ing as you could basi?cally cre?ate and bat?tle you wanted to cre?ate and play it out real time. ?I was involved in a few of these com?mu?ni?ties but the ones that really stuck out, before they dis?ap?peared were Data?mas?ters XvT and Cor?re?lian Ship Yards. ?They had some amaz?ing mod?el?ers and mis?sion design?ers and they added years of replaya?bil?ity to the?game.

For it?s time XvT was an extremely pretty game and it was very immer?sive. ?You got to pilot almost any fighter you wanted to on both the Impe?r?ial and Rebel side and once you got bored you could with a few edits add in any ship you wanted and later down the road you could pilot capi?tol ships! ? Granted those were a lit?tle buggy but it was fun none the?less.

Why It Needs a Remake:

While XvT was impres?sive for the time the tech?nol?ogy of the day really didn?t do it jus?tice. ?Graph?ics tech?nol?ogy today com?pared to the 90?s has lit?ter?aly jumped a galaxy. ?XvT with a DX11 setup on a solid gam?ing PC or a con?sole would look mind bog?gingly beau?ti?ful. ?The dog fights, explo?sions, dis?inti?grat?ing cap?i?tal ships and the improved sounds would make a mod?ern day XvT a sight to behold.

It?s time to res?ur?rect the Space Com?bat genre? sadly it has been on it?s deathbed for quite some time and ever since the advent of mod?ern con?soles with the excep?tion of the X Uni?verse by Egosoft there has been lit?tle or no move?ment in this genre. ? I think a qual?ity Lucasarts title (yes I know that is very hard to imag?ine) would go a long way into breath?ing life back into this dor?mant?genre.

Will it happen:

Lucasarts has been teas?ing for years that there is an ?X-Wing? game in the works but noth?ing has ever been?offi?cially?announced yet. ?Hol?ly?wood Games, the orig?i?nal devel?oper, said they would love to do another title if the fund?ing was pre?sented to them. ?If any addi?tional news comes up you will hear it here?first.

Check out some more images and videos below:

Two of these videos are from the expan?sions Bal?ance of?Power.

Posted by thsoundman Jul 31, 2012 Last Updated Jul 31, 2012

Source: http://www.thegamersblog.com/top-10-games-that-need-a-remake-day-1/

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Back to campaigning for Romney after uneven trip

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at the University of Warsaw Library in Warsaw, Poland, Tuesday, July 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at the University of Warsaw Library in Warsaw, Poland, Tuesday, July 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks with Polish WWII veterans after laying a wreath at the Warsaw 1944 Uprising monument in Warsaw, Poland, Tuesday, July 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with wife Ann bows to Polish WWII veterans and a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp prior to laying a wreath at the Warsaw 1944 Uprising monument in Warsaw, Poland, Tuesday, July 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Alik Keplicz)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney meets Polish veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as he visits the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, Poland, Tuesday, July 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at the University of Warsaw Library in Warsaw, Poland, Tuesday, July 31, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? Wrapping up a stumble-marred overseas trip, Mitt Romney pivoted quickly into a three-month stretch to the election on Tuesday with a new feel-good television ad. Aides simultaneously stoked speculation about his vice presidential pick.

The economy was Romney's primary text abroad as well as at home. "We could probably learn something from what's happening right here," the former Massachusetts governor said of Polish policies shortly before boarding his chartered jet for the flight back to the U.S. He arrived in Boston early Tuesday evening.

Advisers accompanying him said he would resume direct criticism of President Barack Obama's record soon enough, after observing a mini-moratorium while on foreign soil. Yet a new television commercial suggested another immediate priority was to close a likeability gap in the polls.

Shorn of any criticism of Obama, the ad appears designed to introduce Romney to voters in battleground states who know little or nothing about his personal background except what they've seen and heard in unflattering commercials aired by Democrats.

In the ad, Romney speaks of his years in private business, in government and as the head of the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City a decade ago and says, "I want to use those experiences to help Americans have a better future."

In the final hours of his trip, in Warsaw, the Republican extolled the Polish economy as a model for the rest of the world in an era of slow growth or worse, and he simultaneously sought to limit the political fallout caused by comments he made earlier on a stop in Israel.

"The world should pay close attention to the transformation of the Polish economy" since the end of communist rule more than two decades ago, he said in a speech in the Polish capital city. "A march toward economic liberty and smaller government has meant a march toward higher living standards, a strong military that defends liberty at home and abroad and an important and growing role on the international stage.

"Rather than heeding the false promise of a government-dominated economy, Poland sought to stimulate innovation, attract investment, expand trade and live within its means," he added.

It was thinly veiled criticism ? one of several instances on the trip ? of the policies Obama has pursued while in office, and Romney was slightly less veiled in a Fox News interview. He did not mention that joblessness in Poland is over 12 percent, roughly half again as much as in the United States.

While in Warsaw, Romney laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and paid tribute to the hundreds of thousands of Poles who died in a World War II uprising against the Nazis. Both are traditional gestures for dignitaries visiting Poland.

With just under 100 days until the election, the presidential race remains a tight one, likely to be decided by a relative sliver of undecided voters who live in eight or so states that remain competitive. Romney heads to one of them on Thursday, when he resumes traditional campaigning with an appearance in the Denver area.

His time to pick a running mate is dwindling, with the Republican National Convention set to open on Aug. 27 in Tampa, Fla. His campaign unveiled an app for smartphones that officials said would "serve as the campaign's first official distribution channel" for the news of his choice. Separately, Republican officials noted an announcement could come any day.

As for one of the controversies on his trip, Romney said in the interview with Fox before leaving Europe that he hadn't been speaking about "the Palestinian culture or the decisions made in their economy" in his remarks earlier in the week that prompted one Palestinian official to question whether his views were racist.

At a fundraiser with Jewish donors in Jerusalem, Romney had said their culture was part of what had allowed them to be more economically successful than the nearby Palestinians. He made no mention of the fact that Israel has controlled the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem since capturing them in the 1967 war, a presence that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund both say limits the economy's potential for growth there.

In Poland as on other stops, Romney ignored shouted questions from reporters about his comments on Israel and the Palestinians. Asked why the former Massachusetts candidate had responded to just three questions from American reporters during the trip, traveling press secretary Rick Gorka said, "Shove it."

The aide later called some journalists to apologize.

Aides later said that despite any mistakes made during the trip, there was little evidence they would materially affect the campaign.

"I don't think that will go down in history as very important," said Stuart Stevens of possible missteps.

Nor is it likely that Romney will suffer politically from any clash with the news media, nor suffer damage among Jewish voters for comparing Israelis favorably with the Palestinians.

While Obama's aides and campaign staff missed no chance to pan Romney's performance, it remains unclear whether the former Massachusetts governor achieved his goal of demonstrating to the public an ability to stride confidently across the world stage.

Of evident concern is polling indicating that while the voting public generally believes Romney has better economic policies than Obama, it views the president in more favorable terms personally.

In an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll completed on July 22, some 49 percent of registered voters said they had positive feelings toward Obama while 35 percent said the same about Romney.

In the same survey, 43 percent of registered voters said Romney would be better at dealing with the economy, while 37 percent said Obama would.

The new Republican ad was a joint venture of the Romney campaign and the Republican National Committee

"We believe in our future, we believe in ourselves, we believe the greatest days in America are ahead," Romney says as American flags flutter.

With the race near deadlock for months, ad spending was soaring in battleground states and non-existent in others.

The Obama campaign also unveiled a new commercial during the day, part of what detailed advertising records show is a heavy investment in the range of $30 million during August. The spot focused on taxes and the deficit, arguing that Romney's approach would provide a "new $250,000 tax cut for millionaires" along with increased military spending that would add "trillions to the deficit." In the ad, airing in six closely contested battleground states, Obama touts a deficit reduction plan in which "millionaires pay a little more."

Looking into the camera, Obama said in the tag line that "to cut the deficit we need everyone to pay their fair share."

In the Fox interview, Romney suggested the news media were to blame for the culture controversy, saying some will "try to find anything else to divert from the fact that these last four years have been tough years for our country."

There were other uneven moments on what Romney and his aides had planned as an illustration of his ability to handle the world stage. In London, he drew a tart response from Prime Minister David Cameron after wondering aloud whether the British had adequately prepared for the Olympic Games now under way.

And in a speech in Jerusalem he declared that the city is the capital of Israel, even though the U.S. has its embassy in Tel Aviv and maintains a policy that the city's designation is a matter for negotiations between the Jewish state and Palestinians.

Not surprisingly, he got nothing but criticism from the president's surrogates.

Robert Gibbs, a senior campaign adviser, called the trip "an embarrassing disaster" for Romney. "He both offended our closest ally and triggered a troubling reaction in the most sensitive region of the world. He certainly didn't prove to anyone that he passed the commander-in-chief test," Gibbs said.


Kasie Hunt reported from Warsaw. Associated Press writers Ken Thomas, Steve Peoples and Dennis Junius contributed from Washington.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-07-31-Romney/id-d57f76c4a05e4553a4f95e6414f4f9a4

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SaintPetersblog: Notes from the Pinellas GOP's straw poll http://t.co/4BhZHEih #sayfie

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Source: http://twitter.com/SaintPetersblog/statuses/229709342105026560

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Source: http://reverbtickets.com/our-city-radio-events/traditional-work-from-home-business-hints-as-a-result-of-those-who-realize-best

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Is this what the iPhone 5 will look like? Supposed part leaks assembled!

Take some of leaked parts, supposedly for Apple's next generation iPhone 5, assemble them together, and what do you get? A supposed iPhone 5! This time it's iLab Factory that have done the deed, and what they're showing off does indeed look a lot like one of the 4-inch prototypes Apple was rumored to be considering for the iPhone 5.

Easily visible is the miniaturized Dock connector, as well as the bottom mounted headset jack. Also impossible to miss is the metallic plate that covers the back of the iPhone from antenna break to antenna break, leaving only the top and bottom clear, glass, and presumably radio-fiendly. The Home button, Sleep/Wake button, and volume controls all look the same, though the front mounted FaceTime camera has been centered.

The 4-inch, 16:9 display will be the big story, though. It's the first screen size change since the original iPhone debuted in 2007.

It's tough to tell the real from the fake from the really fake, but these parts do match increasingly frequent rumors surrounding the iPhone 5, and it wouldn't be a huge surprise if it's fairly close.

One more photo below, and lots more via the source link below. Check them out and then let us know -- what do you think? Could this be what the iPhone 5 will look like come the fall? And if it is, what do you think of the design?

Source: iLab Factory

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/I9thxektRtY/story01.htm

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Book launch at Brunel Business School | brunelbusinessschool

Brunel Business School hosted a lunch party on 17 July to launch the second edition of Business Accounting by Dr Jill Collis, Director of Accounting and Auditing Research Centre, Brunel University, Dr Andrew Holt, Associate Professor, Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA, and Dr Roger Hussey, Dean of Guangzhou International Business School, China. Business Accounting is an accessible, non-technical introduction to financial and management accounting for undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is published by Palgrave Macmillan.

The event was attended by Professor Zahir Irani, Head of the Business School, Professor Keith Dickson, Acting Head of the Business School and members of staff. Other guests included co-author, Andrew Holt, Martin Drewe, Business Publisher, Palgrave Macmillan, Andrew Curd, Senior Campus Representative South-West, Palgrave Macmillan, and users of the text book in the London area.

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Source: http://brunelbusinessschool.wordpress.com/2012/07/30/book-launch-at-brunel-business-school/

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From The FOSS India Wiki

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You can also use an online auction marketplace website to market your product ajusteur d assurance expert en sinistre Online auction web sites gives your products the chance to be viewed by hundreds, or even thousands and thousands, of consumers A possible problem with web auction websites is that more and more folks are applying this selling strategy to promote goods, that they have acquired the resale rights to This competition will make it hard or impossible for your product to sell

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Word Count 567

Source: http://www.foss-india.org/mediawiki-1.17.0/index.php/User%3A4jpxuncj3s

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Different Kinds Of Addiction:Beneficial Treatments | The Board ...

Addiction can be effectively treated if the person chooses to cease the activity or habit in which he is addicted to. This can be done by using self help mechanisms. If an addict wants to ask minimal outside help, he can opt for the services of various support groups. Residential facilities are also available if he needs a more intense medication.

The common procedure of treating addiction in drugs is through detoxification and therapy programs. Medical professionals use cleansing drugs to eliminate the harmful substances present in the addict?s system. The therapy will help a patient recover quickly as a therapist tries to help fix other current issues of the patient. There are drug and alcohol rehab programs which are designed especially for people who are addicted to alcohol.

A patient must understand the nature of his addiction if he wishes to be treated effectively. Addiction to gambling can be also treated clinically with certain drugs. Other types of addictions like food, computer and some types of substances are generally psychological. This can be easily treated through therapy and by participating in various support groups. Many alcohol addicts have successfully achieved recovery by attending drug and alcohol rehab programs.

Drug addiction may often cause severe complications in the body leading to death. Taking the drug addict to a rehabilitation center can be the best option. These facilities provide a managed environment wherein patients are separated and monitored to determine whether the treatment is effective. The condition of every drug addicted individual is not the same. Therefore, the treatment administered to each patient may also vary.

Severe cases of addiction often cause mental and emotional disorders. Study shows that there is less percentage of patients who successfully eradicate their habits completely. Since addiction is now considered as a health issue, doctor?s can now prescribe drugs and dietary programs that will help patients reduce the level of dependency and improve their health. Support groups which may include the addict?s friends and family members can also help him to slowly and completely remove his abusive habits.

There are many ways of dealing with addiction which are now available for all types of patients. These may include proper medications, therapy and hospitalization for severe cases. Patients are required to consult a doctor first to recognize the level and the type of addiction he has prior to making a decision to take a treatment procedure.

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Source: http://theboardmagazine.com/2012/07/different-kinds-of-addictionbeneficial-treatments/

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If you are looking for internet business ideas to get you started with generating an income from home, here are some ideas that you might be interested in.?


Web designing. If you have the technical know-how, you can definitely rake in money from this business. It is a booming industry that only those with artistic talents and programming knowledge can succeed in. Start with your own website. Showcase what you can do. Sice you are just starting up, charge a fair price. It won?t hurt if you offer discounts just to attract clients and so you can build you web designing portfolio.?


Writing. If you have a flair for writing, you can definitely earn money from this talent. You can choose to work for a resume writing service. Or you can write articles for individuals or companies for SEO purposes. You can even have your own webpage and start blogging your way to the bank. You can also do technical or literary writing as there are people or corporations who are looking for someone who can do those things for them.


Affiliate marketing. This online money-making scheme is a great way of promoting goods and services on the internet. By being an affiliate member, you can you can earn an income by helping promote an affiliate program or you can recruit new members into the affiliate marketing networks. Most people online profit from this income generating scheme by promoting?affiliate members on their sites, although there are also those who make affiliate marketing as their full-time online business in and of itself.


There are countless of other internet business ideas that you can tap to help you make money online. The home-based business industry is thriving and that means one important thing. You have high potentials of succeeding online. As long as you tap the right business opportunity and put in your share of hard work and determination, you will defintely make it in this industry. ?

Source: http://www.tombillips.com/technology-news-articles/internet-business-ideas-to-help-you-make-money-online/

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Education of Business Online from NCSU My Top 10 Website and ...

If you own a gift basket business, want to start one or add one to an existing related business, consider taking your products and gift basket business online. You?ll need to plan ahead and know how you?re going to market it first. Anyone can set up a website but no one will know it?s there until you drive traffic to it. So you?ll need to learn a few Internet marketing tips, tricks and techniques. I?ve outlined some of my most important gift basket business tips in the following list:

1. Learn copywriting tricks to help you write your website pages. Write like you talk, use contractions, short sentences, and learn the rules for title capitalization. Articles (like ?a?, ?an?, etc.) and connector words are not capitalized unless they?re the first word in a sentence. Prepositions are not capitalized if they have four letters or less. Check on the Internet and keep a stylebook or grammar book handy.

2. Choose the easiest website builder available. Text (WYSIWYG -?what you see is what you get?) editor or html editor? A text editor for website building is best. You don?t need to use an html editor like Frontpage or Dreamweaver to put up a great website! And many report they?re difficult to use. You want a website builder with an easy interface. Plan to be your own Webmaster rather than farming out work to Webmasters or programmers. Expenses can add up fast and you may need to make changes several times a week. Initially it?ll take some time and devotion to learn how to do it, but you?ll have that knowledge forever. You can build even more websites and get paid for consulting too.

3. Choose a good Web host. Make sure the host offers unlimited amounts of email addresses and lots of bandwidth or data transfer. Call or email support to see how fast they respond. If your website ever goes down in a high traffic period you?ll want to be able to get in touch with them fast. There are hundreds of Web hosts. Read what several Web host reviewers report before you decide. They?re usually pitching an affiliate Web host or two and may not be objective. Look for complaints on the search engines about specific hosts you?re researching. Sign up for monthly service rather than annual service so you can evaluate further if necessary.

4. Choose the right primary and secondary keywords for your site. Do your research BEFORE you publish. The competition will be high for common words and you?ll likely not end up on the first page. There are several free keyword tools available. In the search engines type in gift basket-related words in quotes to see what the competition is using. How many pages come up? How many visitors for that keyword or keyword phrase? Right click on ?view source? to see the keywords in html. Look for keywords in the website and ad headlines and descriptions.

5. Write your marketing plan BEFORE you start buying any equipment or software, or building your website. You?ll need to know HOW you?re going to market your site BEFORE you start building it. Will you be adding affiliates to your site? Google AdSense? Will you offer a newsletter? Will you be selling other physical products besides your gift baskets? Or maybe you only want a site to market a digital product like an ebook about gift baskets? Plan to submit gift basket-related articles using an article distribution service and press releases using press distribution software. You?ll get sought-after inbound links through the reprinting of your articles and press releases. Also sign up for a good link service.

6. Choose the right affiliates if you plan to include affiliate marketing. Make sure the affiliates fit with your gift basket theme. Don?t add totally unrelated banners.

7. Learn how to use eBay in your marketing plan for an extra boost in sales and exposure. Use the ?About Me? page to hype your website.

8. Learn html code ? optional but I highly recommend it. Use a simple free tutorial offered on the Internet. You don?t have to write code unless you want to. It?s not necessary with the text editors out there that do the work for you. You could spend hours writing html. Why do that? You can learn the basics in a day or so. You don?t have to learn the advanced code. Even if you only take two or three lessons you?ll be way ahead of the game.

9. Learn how to write a free newsletter to boost your online presence. Take dozens of other free newsletters in various fields of interest and study style and techniques. Offer your free newsletter in the beginning when you first publish your site to start collecting subscribers. Don?t wait until later.

10. Choose an autoresponder service to handle your newsletter database, send out newsletter inquiry responses and free reports you?re offering. This is a must if you plan to have a newsletter. It?s the best way to handle your subscribers, send out confirmations, and get your newsletter out, etc. It usually costs about $ 20 per month.

Make sure to back-up everything. Back up your website files daily, if you make any changes. I know this is basic. Make copies of your site to CDs often. Put website copies on another computer hard drive. Network two computers if possible. Anything can happen to your hard drive. A surge, lightning, age, drive defect, etc., can damage your hard drive in an instant.

These are just a few of the gift basket business tips you can use to get your online gift basket business up and running. It takes research and hard work but it?ll be well worth the effort in an increased customer base and a big boost in income.

When you do get your gift basket website up, if you plan it right, it can mean lifetime income. With weekly maintenance? adding rich content, more pages, affiliates, products and specialty baskets, and daily good marketing, you?ll get a big boost in your gift basket business income. Millions go online typing in gift basket-related inquiries daily. I hope you find these gift basket business tips useful. Happy Internet marketing!

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Source: http://www.graspncsu.com/2012/07/my-top-10-website-and-internet-marketing-tips-for-gift-basket-businesses/

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Homecraft?, Inc. Offers Energy-Efficient Vinyl Replacement Windows

These replacement windows are made according to a patented vinyl frame fabrication process which produces a stronger and more eco-friendly alternative to conventional welded windows.

Send Feedback to Maricela Milum
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More Details about http://www.homecraftinc.com here.

Tweet This Wilmington, Delaware (June 7, 2012) -- Homecraft?, Inc. is offering energy-efficient vinyl replacement windows Maryland and the surrounding areas. These replacement windows are made according to a patented vinyl frame fabrication process which produces a stronger and more eco-friendly alternative to conventional welded windows.

Today's limited resources underscore the need for innovative solutions for sustainability. As a response to this need, Homecraft? created their very own brand of the kind of vinyl replacement windows Maryland builders recommend for environment-conscious homeowners.

The patented vinyl fabrication process developed by Homecraft? allows the fusion welding of compound shapes at sill corners. This makes Homecraft? vinyl windows much stronger than conventional welded ones. Each Maryland replacement window produced through this patented process comes with a 50-year warranty, which includes glass breakage.

Apart from durability, the windows' unique construction provides other practical benefits. Each features low-emissivity glass, an insulated vinyl frame, and custom fitting. This provides superior thermal performance, which lowers heating costs and allows homeowners to save up to 30 percent on monthly energy bills. Each window is also fitted with triple weather-stripped sashes that tilt for easy cleaning.

Homeowners can choose from a variety of Maryland replacement window styles, finishes, and colors. Homecraft? vinyl replacement windows are also available in several interior and exterior textures.

This patented Homecraft? product was designed to combine beauty, convenience, durability, and energy efficiency. Apart from vinyl windows, Homecraft? also provides a wide variety of home improvement options. The general contractor is dedicated to providing each customer with superior services from start to finish.

About the Submitter
About Homecraft?, Inc.

Homecraft?, Inc. is a family-owned business that has been helping homeowners throughout their service area make their homes beautiful, comfortable, and more energy-efficient. Since 1981, the business has been serving homes throughout Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, and Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Interested parties are encouraged to call 877-494-0377 for more information.

Maricela Milum
More Details about http://www.homecraftinc.com here.

Homecraft®, Inc. Offers Energy-Efficient Vinyl Replacement Windows

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Sunday, July 29, 2012 - Food &Health Skeptic

Australian doctors call for hormone replacement therapy rethink

As I was critical of the HRT scare from the beginning, I am pleased to see this

It has been 10 years since an alarming US study found HRT increased a woman's risk of breast cancer, strokes and heart attack.? But a decade later, medical professionals agree that those findings were flawed.

Doctors say the pharmaceutical industry has withdrawn from sale half of all the available therapies, while extreme product warnings are unnecessarily frightening and outdated.

But there is still confusion amongst women and GPs about the best treatment.

Gynaecologist Dr John Eden, head of the Sydney Menopause Centre at the Royal Hospital for Women, says the 2002 Women's Health Initiative Study in the US changed the lives of millions of women.

"It terrified women, there's no doubt about that, it was laced with fear," he said.? "Probably the most dramatic example is that before Women's Health Initiative (WHI) I would hardly ever prescribe an anti-depressant, since WHI I've become an expert in anti-depressants, and that's because I see there's a small group of women, probably around one-in-eight, who have severe, intractable sweats and flushes day and night for the rest of their lives."

Margaret Miller is one of those with severe symptoms.? "It was pretty uncomfortable. You're sitting in a meeting room, you might have 20 other people in that meeting and all of sudden you start - it looked like your head started to leak with water and it drips down your face; it is so embarrassing," she said.

The 56-year-old endured more than two years of this before turning to Hormone Replacement Therapy.

She was aware of the WHI study linking HRT with a higher risk of breast cancer but nothing else worked.? "I was the stage where I would have taken a cyanide tablet. I didn't care as long as it stopped the sweats and this itching and this terrible feeling all the time that you weren't human," she said.

The US study saw women abandon HRT in droves but a decade on doctors say many did so unnecessarily, because the findings were flawed.

Dr Eden says the majority of participants were aged over 60, were not newly menopausal and would not normally be treated.? In fact, for many women under 60, doctors say the benefits outweigh the risks.

Australasian Menopausal Society president Dr Jane Elliott says women should have had easier access to HRT.? "I think a whole decade of women have missed out on the option of that treatment," she said.? "It's not for everyone, it's not a panacea, but it certainly should be something where women at least feel they can consider it."

Dr Elliott says the options are now limited and the warnings on products are extreme.

"The problem is the actual number of TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) options has decreased in Australia," she said.?? "The number of PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) options has decreased in Australia and there are what's called black box warnings on HRT preparations that women read. They're really out date."

Dr Eden agrees.? "We've lost almost half of our hormone therapies over the last decade and the pharmaceutical industry is quite open about it, they've withdrawn them because of business reasons, sales have gone down and that means we've got fewer choices now," he said.

And the bureaucrats don't care

A spokeswoman for the Therapeutic Goods Administration says the extreme warnings on HRT products are considered current.

She says the safety information would not change without a comprehensive review, which is normally initiated by an application from the sponsor of the product.


Science May Have Just Beaten Prostate Cancer

How do you know when your new cancer drug is working better than expected? When they shut down the clinical trial so that every participating patient can receive it.

Johnson & Johnson's Zytiga is kind of a big deal. The FDA approved its use last year for advanced prostate cancer patients who had already received chemo but whose cancer had still metastasized. Prostate cancer is typically treatable for the 200,000 American men who contract it annually, as long as it is caught before it spreads. Once it does, the cancer typically goes to bones where it becomes resistant to normal testosterone-blocking hormonal therapies. Zytiga, however, is a unique cancer-fighting compound that penetrates cancerous cells and shuts down its testosterone production?quickly killing off the damaged cells and preventing their spread. What's more, Zytiga remains effective after the cancer metastasizes and other drugs lose their punch.

What the new study from the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center?presented yesterday at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual meeting in Chicago?shows is that Zytiga can be prescribed much earlier in the disease's progression, specifically before metastasization, with incredible results.

1,088 prostate cancer patients in 12 countries participated in the trial. Each man received the standard low-dose prednisone treatment, with half also getting Zytiga and the other receiving a placebo. Researchers almost immediately discovered that, in the Zytiga group, the cancer progressed at only half the speed as the control group, with patients reporting significantly less pain and a noticeable delay before they had to undertake chemo. The results are so stupendous that the trial was cancelled to allow every patient access to the drug.

"After that first bottle, my pain went away and I just felt like my life was turning around," Rodolfo Chavez, 83, a former longshoreman from San Pedro told SFGate. "I'm still taking them. I'm on my 10th bottle and supposed to get another bottle today."

The FDA has yet to approve Zytiga for earlier use and won't do so until at least next year when the study's final results are published but this could be a beacon for late-stage prostate cancer patients who have otherwise run out of treatment options.


Source: http://john-ray.blogspot.com/2012/07/australian-doctors-call-for-hormone.html

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Funerals held for 3 Colorado shooting victims

Marshall Gorby / Springfield News-Sun via AP

Samantha Yowler, second from right, is comforted at the casket of Matt McQuinn on Saturday at the Maiden Lane Church of God in Springfield, Ohio.

By NBC News and news services

Funerals were held Saturday for three of the Colorado shooting victims -- Matt McQuinn, who shielded his girlfriend,?aspiring sportscaster Jessica Ghawi and Navy Intelligence Officer John Larimer.?

Mourners packed a church in McQuinn's hometown of Springfield, Ohio, the same morning that others came together in San Antonio to remember Ghawi. Other victims' funerals were held earlier this week, and more are set for next week.

When gunfire broke out in the Aurora, Colo., theater, McQuinn, 27, dove in front of his girlfriend, Samantha Yowler, and was shot three times.

Yowler, who was shot in the knee and survived, arrived at McQuinn's funeral on crutches and wept quietly with his parents and other family during the funeral. Neither she nor his parents addressed Maiden Lane Church of God.

Pastor Herb Shaffer, who is also McQuinn's uncle, said his nephew had been a gift to his family since he was born and that his actions in Colorado were just one example of his selflessness.

He spoke of how McQuinn called his mother three times the day before she had surgery because he was upset that he couldn't be there in person and wanted to make sure she was OK.

Then he talked about McQuinn's greatest sacrifice of all, saving Yowler, whom Shaffer described as his nephew's best friend and the love of his life.

"In moments of crisis, true character comes out," he said. "His immediate response was to protect the woman he loved."

The Springfield News-Sun reported Shaffer at one point noted that, as a young man, his nephew sometimes dressed in a way that "made you want to cross to the other side of the street. But then he opened up his mouth, and he couldn?t betray who he was."

There was "never any malice," he added, only "a contagious enjoyment of life".?

Mourners at Ghawi's funeral also touched briefly on the massacre.

"If this coward could have done this with this much hate, imagine what we can do with this much love," her brother told mourners.

But most of the service focused on the life and energy of the aspiring sports journalist.

"What we will not do today is focus on how she left us," said Peter Burns, a friend from Colorado, reading a statement from Ghawi's mother, Sandy. "Jess was a force to be reckoned with. She was a jolt of lightning. A whirlwind. A Labrador puppy running clumsily with innocent joy."

NBC News' Kate Snow profiles Jessica Ghawi.

Ghawi's boyfriend, Jay Meloff, note that others described her as "a tough, redheaded spitfire," and she was, but that he also saw "a beautiful, warm-hearted and passionate woman with a capacity for love. ... She was as mushy as they come."

Large screens in the church played a video that has gone viral in the past week showing Ghawi repeatedly falling down as she walked onto an ice rink wearing high heels to interview a hockey player as an intern for San Antonio sportsradio station KTKR.

Formal charges are expected to be filed in court on Monday against alleged Colorado movie theater shooter James Holmes.

Ghawi, 24, had survived a June 2 shooting at a Toronto mall that left two dead and several wounded. She blogged about the experience, writing that it reminded her "how fragile life was."

A private funeral was held for Larimer, 27, whose body returned home from Colorado Thursday. Members of the Illinois Old Guard, the Warriors' Watch Riders and the Illinois Patriot Guard escorted hearses from O'Hare International Airport to Davenport Family Funeral Home. On Saturday flags lined the funeral home's sidewalks and entrance where friends and family hugged each other and wiped away tears, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The Crystal Lake South High School alum joined the Navy eight years after high school graduation and was stationed in Colorado.

Larimer was at the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora Friday with his shipmates and girlfriend, Algonquin native Julia Vojtsek.

James Holmes, a 24-year-old former doctoral student studying neuroscience, is accused of opening fire on the theater, killing McQuinn, Ghawi and 10 others, and wounding 58. He is due to be formally charged Monday in Colorado.?

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/28/13010406-funerals-held-for-3-colorado-shooting-victims?lite

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Match Making Tips: iWebcam To Find Online Relationships: Can ...

Often people will log onto the internet and start dive bombing the big name websites that offer professional match making services. Others are clueless and do random online searches and end up on all kind of fly by night dating sites, spending countless hours browsing fake or embellished profiles.

If this has been you in the past, please don't give up! There's still hope for you yet! In my honest opinion, you can't really get to know someone by reading a profile or browsing through their uploaded photo gallery. The fact of the matter is, the only thing you're learning about a person is by the information they've specifically provided for you to obtain. I have often found that websites that operate in this manner usually just lead to future disappointment. The people aren't really who they say they are, and that is honestly one of the biggest problems I found on those kind of websites. They are who you want them to be.

Instead of taking the before mentioned path and falling into the fray that is online dating, perhaps it's time to take a different approach. Have you ever tried video chatting with someone on your webcam? Do you know how to video chat? Chatting online with others on webcam is the perfect way to actually get to know someone. Not to mention there is virtually no risk and you don't even have to leave your home, although it would be a good idea to look your best. I have had a lot of success with very little disappointment from frequenting iWebcam chat sites. People are generally themselves when you're chatting face to face through video with them.

You'll have ample opportunity to "put them on the spot" and ask a barrage of questions that's pretty much unavoidable without having to compromise your safety. Of course you may stumble across adult oriented chat rooms or other types of chat that you aren't necessarily interested in if you aren't careful. I have certainly tried my share of dating websites and have made countless profiles, only to find that I have wasted my time and will be starting from ground zero once again.

To reiterate, you will most likely have much more success trying a video dating or video chat site opposed to one's that require you to enter multiple search queries at the off chance you'll find "true love".

If you're interested in using iWebcam to meet new singles, you can visit selphie.orgfree.com to give it one more go at finding the person that's right for you. Providing quality reviews, articles and writings on dating online.

Source: http://matchmakingtipsblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/iwebcam-to-find-online-relationships.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Romney to visit Poland WWII site, meet Lech Walesa

JERUSALEM (AP) ? U.S. presidential hopeful Mitt Romney heads to Poland on Monday, where he will visit the site of the first shots fired in World War II and pay tribute to the country's anti-communist movement.

Romney plans to meet with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Gdansk (guh-DANSK) before heading to the Westerplatte memorial, where a German battleship shelled a Polish military outpost in 1939.

Romney also plans to see former Polish President Lech Walesa (lek vah-WEHN'-sah) and visit the famed shipyard where the electrician began an anti-government movement in the 1970s.

Romney is expected to receive a warm reception in the conservative, Catholic country. Last year, when President Barack Obama traveled to Poland, the local press reported that Walesa had refused to meet with Obama.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-visit-poland-wwii-meet-lech-walesa-182808861.html

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Are Individual Investors Destined to Fail? | Epou

Posted by Eta Phi Sports on Jul 28, 2012 in investing | 0 comments

It?s axiomatic among financial-service professionals that most do-it-yourself investors are their own worst enemies, always in the grip of some cognitive bias or other leading inexorably toward the worst possible investment decision.

Or are the professionals too pessimistic? True, there is a long history of self-directed investors generally underperforming and sometimes going up in smoke. But there is also recent evidence that, while most of us still do worse than the funds we invest in, we?re collectively closing the gap and managing to tame certain value-destroying reptilian impulses.

A Vanguard study released this month, for example, challenges the notion that the rise of the exchange-traded fund?which investors can trade at will, like a stock?would create a culture of day traders who?d throw long-termism to the winds and gamble away their savings. Enthralled by the "ETF temptation effect," the theory went, a self-selected group of active investors would gravitate to ETFs, where they?d chase past performance, run up transaction costs and generally behave like reverse indicators on autopilot.

[See How not to Pick a Mutual Fund.]

"ETFs introduce a different type of investor that doesn?t exist on the mutual-fund side, and that?s the day trader," says Lou Harvey, president of Dalbar, inc., a Boston analytical firm whose annual "Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior" (QAIB) documents the wayward performance of individual investors.

For all that, the Vanguard report ("ETFs: For the better or bettor?") argues that such funds are not weapons of self-destruction, after all. "In general, both ETF and traditional mutual fund shareholders proved to be long-term, buy-and-hold investors," it concludes. The study is based on 3.2 million transactions in more than half a million accounts held in various Vanguard mutual funds and ETFs over four years through 2011.

Some key findings: 62 percent of ETF accounts fell into the buy-and-hold category, which Vanguard defines as an investment held for more than a year and experiencing no more than two investment "reversals" (the first sell after a buy, or vice-versa) in any rolling one-year period. That?s lower than the 83 percent scored for mutual-fund holders, but still evidence, says Vanguard, that the temptation to trade is not the threat it was cracked up to be "and is not a significant reason for long-term individual investors to avoid using appropriate ETF investments as part of a diversified investment portfolio."

[See Target-Date Funds now Look Like Other Mutuals.]

While trading behavior of ETF holders was more active than that of those in mutual funds?27 percent of ETF positions were held short-term, compared with 12 percent for mutual funds?"more than 40% of the variation can be explained simply by correcting for differences in personal and account characteristics between ETF and traditional fund shareholders," reported Vanguard. The temptation effect does explain part of the other 60 percent, the study concedes, though Vanguard?s own limits on trading mutual funds, as well as unknowable self-selection effects whose impacts are indeterminate, also matter.

This is probably a good place to acknowledge that Vanguard has some skin in this game: It offers 49 ETFs, and presumably isn?t inclined to discourage folks from buying them. And, as Vanguard concedes, there is probably an element of self-selection at work, in that the sort of people attracted to Vanguard?practically a synonym for "buy-and-hold"?could be less prone to active trading than the overall investor population.

Vanguard notes, however, that a fund family which attracts more-active investors to its ETFs will likely attract them to its mutual funds, too. The whole point of the Vanguard study, says co-author Joel Dickson, is to document "relative trading activity"?namely ETF activity relative to mutual-fund activity?and to suggest that "the investment vehicle is not the source of that churn difference. just because it?s an ETF doesn?t mean an investor?s DNA automatically changes."

Source: http://epou.net/?p=42076

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Spiritual Awakening With the Help of Meditation | Healing Meditation ...

Spiritual Awakening With the Help of Meditation

Most people think of mediation as an Eastern tradition where the person sits in a circle in the lotus position and chanting mantras or humming. Apart from the soothing effect that it can bring, meditation is often said to be a path to rouse the life-force and start the passage towards spiritual awakening.

There are different schools of meditation. Every school has its own thought about meditation. Meditation also has different techniques and it can also be categorized based on their emphasis. Some meditative techniques focus on a meadow or a background observation, and there are others which emphasis on a definite item.

One of the benefits of meditation is to still the mind and relax the body. Tautness, stress and unease can be released by performing simple meditation. Apart from the internal harmony that meditation brings, it can also help to improve the body?s health.

Meditation is also a fantastic way of improving your focus.

The health benefits of meditation include better blood circulation; a deeper level of relaxation; an increase in workout acceptance between heart patients; normalizing blood pressure; decreases anxiety attacks and muscle tension; helps against allergies, etc?

Meditation allows you to listen to the inner-self and separate from the pressures of day-to-day life. Accepting the inner-self will lead to the understanding of our higher-self (our spiritual self). With this understanding it will increase our information and understanding on how the higher-self-unites with the cosmos. With the help of meditation, you can get the chance to tap into your internal self and observe how it sees your existence. Looking into the inner-self will provide direction towards your ultimate pleasure and realization.

It is important to remember that meditation is about listening to the inner-self; so it has to do with directing your attention and concentration.

Too many distractions can make it difficult for some people to focus their attention into what is vital and keeping the attention on stationary item. If you are just focused on a static object or field, one-pointedness can be experienced and could take you to a totally altered state.

If one-pointedness is achieved, you will experience ecstasy. Ecstasy is mentioned as a normal state of the soul which cannot be experienced simply in our everyday lives. In this reflective state, spirituality and also the consciousness increases its understanding of nature and the cosmos. Negative thinking and behaviour brought about by the avaricious and fast-paced world can be flushed away by directing more on your spirituality.

Basically, a more profound understanding and knowledge can be felt and the body will be in one with the universe. It is what links us to the Highest Existence. Reaching this one-pointedness could somehow be likened to a spiritual awakening, where the body and the mind can completely comprehend what cannot be seen or touched in the physical world.

About The Author Belinda Daly is a certified master practitioner in NLP, Hypnosis and TLT. She has a degree in metaphysics. She currently runs a self help and spiritual development membership site with her brother Dion.

For more free information on self help and spiritual development articles, e-courses, videos and more please click on the link below now!

Source: http://healingmeditationblog.com/spiritual-awakening-with-the-help-of-meditation/

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Why Real estate agents Beginning Profitable Foreclosures Cleanup ...

The actual property market place is in a massive slump in quite a few regions of the region. And it impacts numerous sectors, eg, banking, home loan and building companies, to identify a couple of. Maybe no segment has been affected a lot more than agents though. Numerous have left the profession altogether.

Then there are enterprising real estate agents who have

Source: http://www.plumberatlanta.org/why-real-estate-agents-beginning-profitable-foreclosures-cleanup-corporations-is-no-surprise/

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A Prospective Homeowner's Guide to New Homes for Sale |

Investing in a new home is always an essential life event. There are many things to keep in mind prior to purchasing a property. Real estate is definitely big business these days. This only means that you will likely encounter developers, brokers, as well as agents left and right. In case you are in the market for new homes for sale austin, you have to equip yourself with the proper facts to make the right decisions.

Home Type
Who can live in the house? Would it be for a family of 3 or 4, or is it for any newlywed couple? Remember there are several types of homes. Choose one which will suit your lifestyle. If you?re just starting out, and do not desire the expenses of a big residence, consider investing in a condo unit. If you captivate guests frequently, you may decide a home that has one or maybe two extra bed rooms. Be flexible over it and consider what you can do when looking into homes regarding sale.
You have to evaluate the price range. Do not forget to research your finances before beginning this home-buying process. Try whenever possible to spend within your implies. However, if you are assured you can afford the property inside due time, it is advisable to look into financing possibilities. Some developers provide funding solutions, and so keep that in mind as well.
This is one of the most important components when searching for a house intended for sale. Families will want to have accessibility to good educational institutions, and so research about the nearby schools in the area. Find out if the area has private and public options, and if you?ll find any post-secondary institutions community. Other things to keep an eye out for are private hospitals, supermarkets, and commercial locations.
Think about the security connected with an area as well. Explore crime rates and other security concerns you might have. Developments that are located in a safe environment are needed, especially if you have small children.
Pre-built or Custom-made
Although there is a huge variety of styles obtainable, some prospective property owners are difficult to please. In case you are this kind of person, it is advisable to go with a custom-built home. To do this, you merely have to approach this developers of the neighborhood you live in. Question their options for choices, and see what will do the job.
Pre-built homes are also a great idea. Even though they might be similar within design to the house down the street, you?ve options. Inquire about virtually any provisions the home might have. This is important if you have plans connected with expanding your family as well as want to dedicate rooms to specific crafts or hobbies.
A high quality new homes for sale in austin texas should come from developers using years of experience. Property or home builders will always carry out their best to encourage you they are the very best in the industry. Do your behalf by checking out a developer?s preceding projects and current standing. Lastly, buy your own future home via reliable and reputable property developers.

For more information about new homes for sale in austin texas visit our website.

Source: http://www.clickmyarticle.com/?p=41509

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