Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Meeting of Spirits

This is a plot scene from a plot I am running in an RP, going here for the sake of linking all involved players to it more easily.

It was the middle of the night when the swordbearers would be struck with a strange dream, a dream that felt very real and seemed to take them right from their homes. They were ordered in polite or curt voices not to speak, only to listen and observe. The spirit were gathered around, inflated in physical size like they were gods, if only to make themselves seem more great in stature to than the swordbearers. They were ethereal, still, forming a circle, most of them seated on equally ghostly chairs.
Orochi, the spirit of Wraith Bane, stood calm and patient as ever, as if the death of one of the seven had not phased him at all. He simply watched on with calm grace, one leg folded over the other.

The so called "ice queen" of the group, the spirit of Cha'tlag, sat beside Orochi, her ankles crossed, expression stoic and cold. She had one arm rested upon her knee, the other upon the armrest. Her eyes moved toward Orochi for but a moment before returning to the front.

Next along was the dwarf, arms folded before his chest in an almost defensive manner. He, like his related sword, was named Lecarah, and he already knew people would question him. Afterall, he was the one who hated elves above all else.

Past him was Geoffry, ex-master swordsman slain by the blade Moon's Grace, who he acted as patron spirit of. He was also a very sensible man, and was intentionally placed to keep the dwarf, the elf and Sha'arish apart so the three did not fight.

Right after was Amuk'Ra, once a great Pharaoh. To illustrate his past title, he wore the royal headdress and the false bears that so many Pharaohs wore during his time. Around his waist was the traditional Egyptian kilt- the Shendyt. He leaned back in his chair, ankle atop his knee, with his brows deeply furrowed and his fingers steepled.

There was an empty spot next, where the elf had once been. He had never given his name mostly because he did not know it, a curse from use of his sword when he had been alive. And now he was gone forever.

Next was Sha'arish, who looked the most upset of the group. Out of all of them, she had most got along with the elf. She was dark of skin tone and had braided hair, eyes glaring in a hurt fashion towards the others, as if angry they too did not show the remorse she did.

To break the ice, so to speak, Cha'tlag sat up in her chair, eyes sweeping the spirits from one end of the circle all the way around until they came to rest, once more, on Orochi. The smallest of smiles made its way onto her face as she splayed her arms.

"Now, Orochi, look what you've gone and done! Don't argue with me, now- I know for a fact you can't leave something unfinished."

Orochi cocked his head, amused and calm. His voice echoed in a strange fashion, reverberating around the chamber. "Which is why in my death I claimed both our armies with me, which occured long before my people captured the elf. Though, I cannot blame you for not knowing. Nobody knew it happened," he said, reaching out with one hand to take hers, then guide her back to her seat next to him. She took the hand graciously, then gently lowered herself into the seat with that same little smile.

"I feel your blame would be best placed on the one who hated the elves," he said, eyes flicking to the dwarf.

"Oh aye? I knew this would come to me, even with no evidence that I did 'nything. My war with the elves ended with their and my peoples death," Lecarah answered with a sniff of distaste.

Sha'arish snorted, loudly. "And your legacy lived on to torture the next generation of people, forcing them into hiding! Who is to say it wasn't just one of your machines? You do not even need a sword bearer to kill for you."

"Shut yer trap, girl. Yer no leader. Yer not even a fighter. Yer just daddies li'tle girl. Yer grandfather did all the makin' and leadin'. So maybe yer should keep quiet while the rest o' us talk."

She did fall quiet for the moment, eyes shifting to the side, until Geoffry spoke up. "The dwarf is right, unfortunately. We have no proof that any of us committed the crime. All we have is motives, and with all the swords being found any of us could have a motive."

Orochi quietly leant towards Cha'tlag and commented, "Isn't it adorable when the younger races argue?"

Cha'tlag copied his movement and gave him a light nodd. "Oh, yes. Fiery as a burning forest." she commented, letting an amused chuckle go.

Amuk'Ra spoke up, his fingers parting and landing on his knees. "Any and all motives, Geoffry. However, we cannot delay and simply sit in silence, even if we should not point fingers in haste. Do we have any leads at all?"

"A younger race does not mean inferior," muttered Sha'arish, "For all the greatness of your 'old' races, Geoffry easily took the sword for Amuk'Ra's tomb."

Geoffry suddenly froze, eyes drifting downwards guiltilly.

The Pharaoh sat up suddenly, dark eyes shooting towards the once master swordsman. His mouth deepened into a frown. "Is this true, Geoffrey?" he hissed.

"It's irrelevant, isn't it?" Geoffry said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly wishing he and the Pharoah were not next to each other. While they couldn't hurt each other he still did not wish to face the mans scorn. "My people were treasure hunters, I couldn't say no to an excavation of that sort."

"Excuse me!" shouted Alrion from the side. "I have some evidence on who it might be."

The spirits quietened. "I went through the door and discovered this." He cast from his hand a piece of parchment which fluttered through the air before resting on the floor. On it was a simple symbol, a circle with triangles on the inside and a dot in the centre. "Does anyone know what that symbol stands for?"


"It's the symbol of Lzothozsh, a sleeping diety who wishes to open the vault so they might be awakened by the power inside." Pause for effect. "Any one of you, or your sword bearers, could be working for the Corruption. Ah- Lzothozsh. Haven't you heard of this before now?" He seemed exhasperated. How could they all be so unaware?

Cha'tlag looked down at the paper, biting her bottom lip. She cast a nervous glance at Orochi, fingers squeezing his hand. "I have not. I certainly have not."

Amuk'ra stood up from his seat, towering at his impressive height. "What is the meaning of this?" he growled, looking down at the symbol. His hands clenched into fists. "Lzothzsh. No. I have not heard of him. Has anyone been withholding information?"
He eyed the rest of the spirits intently, pausing the longest upon Geoffry.

Orochi leant forward slightly to examine the symbol before he leant back. "Are you sure you are not being misguided? From the sounds of it, you are very familiar with the group. Perhaps someone in trying to trick you." He brushed back some hair from his face. "Either way, no one will admit to anything here, so I think it is best if we conclude this meeting. A pleasure as always, my dear," Orochi said towards the ice queen, adding a threatening tone to his voice for the fun of it, before he was simply gone.

The ice queen nodded back in responce, blinking so slowly after he disappeared. "I will be taking my leave, as well. Tah." she said before she, too, simply vanished.
Amuk'Ra grit his teeth, letting his gaze follow over to Alrion. The stare was angered. Even more so as it was brought back to Geoffry. Poison daggers were sent his way before the Pharaoh was gone.

The others too soon retreated, and the sword bearers were all allowed to return to sleep.

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