Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Why Unique Bid Auctions Are Not Scams

Everyone is on the look out for a bargain. You catch a glimpse of that discount sign in the corner of your eye, or that 2 for 1 deal and you can't help but look. In fact, we even end up looking at products that we have little or no interest in. This is completely natural. In fact, this is one of the reasons that many people have ended up bidding on unique bid auctions in the first place. They have been tempted in by the low prices that are on offer and the opportunity to get a once in a life time deal. The difference is these are actually products that are worth real cash. They are up to date products that everyone is already buying.

What are unique bid auctions?
Unique bid auctions are just another way of getting hold of items. Just like you can bid on items on main stream auction sites, purchase direct from a store or join a discount club, you can bid on these sites. They give people a slightly different opportunity. They are able to risk small amounts of cash in order to save huge amounts in return. Of course, this is the number one reason why they have become so popular of late.

Ok, so there is no unique bid, what then?
One of the reasons people think that there is the possibility of a scam here, is simply because there could theoretically, be no unique bids. Of course, this is incredibly unlikely to happen. That being said, it is worth knowing that if this was to happen, then there would still be a winner. The winner is usually determined by the individual that held the last unique bid before the auction ended. The auction site does not suddenly decide that they are going to keep the item and just restart the auction.

Bad press coverage?
Check a few of the online media websites that you may know and love. The chances are that if you do a search, there will be some unfavourable reviews of unique bid auctions. They often say that whilst there is an opportunity to save a lot of cash, there is also the potential to lose a lot of cash too. Why? They blame it on the auction sites. The reality is that anyone that uses these sites should understand how they work; that is pretty obvious. The reality is that people rush onto these sites, bidding on as many items as possible. Remember, they are paying for each bid that they make.

One of the most recent and exciting developments with unique bid auction sites is the addition of so called 'buy it now' features. These are great features and present a win win situation for the consumer. Each bidder has their own purchase price and each time they place a bid, their purchase price reduces by that amount. This single feature has added a completely new dimension to unique bid websites and also broadened the appeal massively.

This means that if they are not careful, then they could lose out. If you are looking to use these sites then you should be looking at past auctions, current auctions and reading all of the FAQs. It is important to do this before getting started, not afterwards when you have lost money on auctions because you have not paid attention.

Unique bid auctions are much more exciting than standard auction sites and the savings are also much higher. BidGrid operate a unique bid site which is free to join and they also have free practice auctions which are a great way to see how they work.

Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/why-unique-bid-auctions-are-not-scams-318967

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