Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Video: Queen hospitalized for stomach problems

>>> we have more information on the stomach infection that has landed queen elizabeth in the hospital. her events for the week now canceled. michelle kosinski is in london's king edward vii hospital .

>> reporter: savannah, the queen who turns 87 next month has not even been admitted into the hospital for ten years. even then it wasn't for illness. the queen is in good spirits and overall good health. unfortunately after the queen's stellar diamond jubilee , action, travel and weather-packed year that she sailed through beautifully, she is under the weather, a rare state for her majesty. over the weekend at windsor castle she was suffering from gastroenteritis. then yesterday was driven to the hospital, forcing her now to cancel a trip to rome this week.

>> gastroenteritis can become a serious illness in older people or little children if they become dehydrated. the way to avoid that is to admit the patient to hospital to observe them for a night or two.

>> getting on with it, keeping calm and carrying on and being very healthy and very spritely and full of energy.

>> reporter: not taking any chances is how royal watchers describe the decision to admit the queen to king edwards hospital. after a prank call ended in embarrassment and the suicide of a nurse, security is tight. at once, the queen was guarded by the tallest, over seven feet, and the smallest at the same time.

>> they're in their 80s and 90s. why are they doing this much work? because they want to do it. even when king philip was in hospital, he was sitting up, demanding to know when the diary was being cleared and when his next engagement was.

>> reporter: no visitors have arrived. that is, no doubt, as the queen wishes it at the moment. she should be released after two days, which would be tomorrow. savannah?

>> michelle kosinski in london, thank you.

Source: http://www.today.com/video/today/51033116/

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