Saturday, June 16, 2012

Recession, Stalemate in Washington vs. Obama's record

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Long term remember that the economic vision of mr.

Romney and his allies in congress.

What's tested just a few years ago we try this.

Their policies did not grow the economy.

Cannot grow the middle class.

They did not reduce our debt.

Why would we think that they would work.

Better this time.

He has put together almost as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined.

You want four more years of that.

You call that forward.

That's forward over a cliff.

That that's forward on the way to Greece I don't want that I will finally get America on track to have a balanced budget that we will limit the size of government.

Obama and got a.

Romney almost bumped into each other today President Obama and governor -- both in Ohio and both playing out there competing economic visions.

Farm presidential candidate senator Fred Thompson -- there thank you good with you put it takes a lot harder -- a bad economy to be the incumbent he said his statement president Obama's that we test that we tried this he's been an -- three and a half years the first thing I thought of the Yangtze at 69000 jobs in May which was terrible which is -- and out of -- up eight point 2% so under that theory we tried -- he's argued against himself.

Yeah yeah he's between a rock and a hard place.

-- for the last.

Three and a few years he's been demonstrating the -- and understand the basics of the economy and what to do about.

They came in very convinced that games' in economics you bail amount.

They were very brash about what they thought the unemployment.

Percentage would be after -- policies were a student dead wrong about that dead wrong about the effect of the stimulus.

Went around -- that you know we don't turn this thing around me you know give us you know you can kick us out Clinton said that.

And couple years ago.

As well as Obama so now.

They can only resort he can only resort to going back and the reason he stumbled so much -- because he's looking backwards all the and that's a strategy apparently.

Well it certainly -- width and blessing economy starts soaring between now and November if it continues to stay as it is or even declines -- all those problems in Europe which could have a ripple effect.

Which we're likely to feel here at home.

Is that it almost becomes what we're governor -- doesn't even need an economic strategy or policy because I would think that the voters think -- but he.

But because we've we've tried this and didn't work so unless unless he shows you are an improvement and strong trend.

Governor Romney.

Is -- and tactically doesn't mean I would say that the shop much.

I think that's a big dangers when would get a -- I think that I.

I'm not suggesting you do that -- and that it let's admit.

That is due to the event and on the day you know the president didn't seem to feel this way right now it's gonna be the person that the people feel like.

Is gonna do the most for the economy in the future and the one that will be the best caretaker going forward -- There's sort of looking back here and I think that LeBron is getting his legs under him they made a very good speech -- they didn't use approach teleprompter.

President was up there you know same old teleprompter saying little -- been giving you know same old litany of good things that presence of them saying they wanted since George Washington.

I -- which is -- you're working against.


I think that.

You know the president is.

Is intent on rewriting history.

He talks about the failed policies of the past you know Republicans don't wanna be tied to George W.

Bush anybody else so they let that person shouldn't.

People are to me anyway I don't have to let that parents should leave.

The policies of George WW bush should not be measured but the last 24 hours -- worst year of his administration.

Fact my bush tax -- she didn't cause this -- didn't cause this deficit after the bush tax cuts we have the greatest increase in revenue for the federal government.

In the history.

And lots of things -- recessions you know we've had five or six of them in my generation.

We always come out of recession.

I've actually congress we've can be blamed that collectively for the analog reception because of the housing bubble and and their inability to be good stewards of our economy and all the things with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac so there's a week so -- Moos there -- and a lot of there's a lot of blame to go around you know what I -- us it said the president strength was in inspiring people.

And today he see says something he admits economically that and that our economy isn't where it needs to be.

And I thought you know he's he's he's he's so off -- balance in terms of inspiring people obscenity you know I -- He's used -- making admissions that I think take away from it strikes.

He's literally out of things to say.

I mean they -- this is there's a framework speech you know going forward and all but you know the president at this -- the game with this economy.

I was standing up there I'm saying -- our plan is education.


Balanced budget balanced budget -- it but but all those I mean.

Come home I mean you know we have now.

A half a million more people unemployed.


Than we did the day took office.

He can't escape his own.

Tenure in office you know weren't -- Romney did twenty years ago -- the private sector he thinks is Roland what bush did you know 458.

Years ago we've -- drove it.

But what he's doing today him for the last three and a half years.

Is not relevant the fact of the matter is.

That and we got out of this recession about a half a year and and Obama's first years.

I mean if you talk about.

Turning turning the corner about six months then we turned the corner built up to grow through about 4% of their time in the last part of his first year.

-- the first part of his second year we were up to about 4%.

Then there's something strange happened usually who have moved the -- the recession the quicker the bounce back we started bounced back and then something happened.

And that was that things turned back around again just -- his spending.

Started kicking and the economy started going down has been going down ever sense and now it's more what one point 71 point eight.

Is that growth -- and he says he's got six months so our last 200 that are up there on time.

There's no -- bed and you know you know singling out the 1% you noted demagogue.

There's there's not gonna get it done he's talking about dividing the country and then re dividing the economic times simply trying to make the -- bigger -- about it.

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