Tuesday, June 12, 2012

BestThinking / Thinkers / Arts & Entertainment / Literature ...

Jun. 11, 2012 8:43 pm

500,000 dead in 4 decades and nary a squeak from the yellow press a leader in exile Interpol notice issued bogus red notice concocted by the friends of Indonesia was East Timor not enough? Intentional amnesia and necessary dementia the spirit of every age I've lived through West Papua continues to suffer and is carved up and sacrificed on the altar of arms dealing commerce my...? Read?More

Jun. 10, 2012 10:48 pm

The hoary old cliches were there, borrowed from over reading of sour texts pathetic turgid prose sentences leaden with defeat and yet still breathing A paragraph or two of quantum ennui cheap character assassination sour views of women awful vistas back stabbing in the most pathetic way unread by most and yet deluded by the faint praise of eager sycophants and dumbed down academe ...? Read?More

Jun. 10, 2012 1:30 pm

The adequate handshake seals the contract social and otherwise The perfect dentition speaks of reinvention social climbing to an uncertain apogee The baby kissing opportunity is a favourite the cliche of cliches as flashbulbs flickering and interns are sexually harassed the razzamatazz is rolling the political circus has come to town one more sucker is conned to put an X in a box ...? Read?More

Jun. 7, 2012 11:45 pm

Strange associations of the early morning kind as I struggle with headaches and other mid-life ailments plus a few visited early on my corpus Strange hallucinations Buddha in a dayglo halo a distorted and moving picture floating through a tired mind a mind reared in a different era an era of hot metal and overheating unrest an era of late stage corporal punishment and early stage...? Read?More

Jun. 7, 2012 4:56 pm

Most people have forgotten the mensch of the streets of London the man who mapped out his future in those squares and grids America called and he received less than the hero's welcome eventually a pauper's end to a life of excellence I see the vigour and the sheer lack of ego in those early photographs his dignity writ large on his flinty countenance Kersh the mensch Kersh the...? Read?More

Jun. 6, 2012 7:49 am

It takes a lot of backstabbing for the situation to become febrile It takes a lot of bitterness to constantly attack all those weaker than oneself less fortunate souls marginal gutter cyclists people like me persisting with delusions as a modus operandi as a means of spurring on in the face of the awful reality the pantomime of a life lived in reverse I could only watch with horror...? Read?More

Jun. 5, 2012 8:52 am

The interstitials threaten to overwhelm those insinuating little adverts for unwanted unneeded products made in sweat shops terminate in landfills over fill our houses threaten to suffocate bankrupt as I try to compose what is left of the self in an increasingly tenuous world? Read?More

Jun. 5, 2012 8:47 am

20mgs That was the suggested dosage Later, I read of the 86 suicides associate with that curative and was glad I didn't take it the coffee table diagnosis was reason enough to ignore his credentials? Read?More

Jun. 5, 2012 7:37 am

It was visible in their faces, borderline learning difficulties, poverty illnesses in the very DNA and unceasing devotion to a distant and steely icon. The street parties continued unabated, drink was tipped into reddening faces, union flags flew in this outpost of empire. Hard to believe it still persisted in the 21st century. Stuart took snaps and in his way documented these dispossessed souls...? Read?More

Jun. 1, 2012 4:03 pm

In an instant the life ordinary became the life of shallow breaths the days waxed instead of waned the cupboard was only half empty and all that jazz the life of heart in the mouth the life of finger nail hanging ecstatic glances the life the only life? Read?More

May 31, 2012 6:56 am

The suit spoke volumes as did the speech pattern the slight bulge in the jacket the perfect prison dentition I kept mute only making the occasional nod as he fired a multitude of racial epithets my way no fear was shown I was too far gone then to care daring him to call my bluff in the end I let him think he'd won after all it's only verbal sparring no harm done a Scorsese...? Read?More

May 30, 2012 10:11 am

I still have no knowledge of it It's just another quirk of language a few words that mean naught passing the time between trains bus stop conversational gambits the weather the British unease with emoting the characteristic drunk letting the bile flow before the tears oh, that one could pre-empt that and find empathy in that bottle the weather always the weather and bloody football? Read?More

May 29, 2012 8:42 am

Animal magnetised looking for something in the daily grind answers few questions endless sleep deprived responses slowed over stimulated over medicated under educated in a post TV apoplexy post disaster stupor post modern fakery lies revealed as lies ignored as consumer needs are met hypermarkets toy shops of the soul adults muted dressing as their children do cloaked in idiocy cloaked...? Read?More

May 27, 2012 7:16 pm

It's survival, plainly a stratagem unworthy phrases letting the past flow form a few oaths in a tight mouth a tired brain a wilted libido and go on for the sake of going on purely for the sake of going on and on persisting in the teeth of chaos in the tense waking moments in the silences between outbursts of hate and out and intakes of breath An interlude And then more silence to...? Read?More

May 25, 2012 10:07 am

Lighting Out, Heading for the unmapped, un-numbered streets wild areas of upstate greenery supplanting the sullen concrete of the Apple core the magnetic Apple core Lighting Out I got no further than Brewster the hunger for the city drawing me back to the magnetic core I never did make Appalachian Trail as I continued to lose myself in the Dante spirals of self created Hell and...? Read?More

May 23, 2012 3:36 pm

Take a liberal dosage of Egyptian Book of the Dead fakery some megalomaniac's scrawlings and some depressive's daubings throw in some exotic erotica and misogyny and selfishness and cant and shroud yourself in chemical armour then you are ready for the final revelation the emperor's clothing the lie of paradigm shift the old fraud would've love the 60s and the sweltering febrile 70s...? Read?More

May 23, 2012 3:24 pm

So can we condemn on the basis of diet? Culture or supposed good taste? Sometimes we look to the East for wisdom and fall for medieval authoritarianism wrapped up in a Tibetan robe bullshit there is wisdom in all of us however oblique the brainwashing that pervades doesn't help to unlock those plain sight secrets in the synaptic circus of the mind? Read?More

May 21, 2012 5:55 pm

I heard the last cadence the keyboard silenced forever fingers behind wood stilled forever I heard your last words upbeat sickeningly positive in the light of what happened? Read?More

May 21, 2012 5:53 pm

Walking smiling into the unreal the fatuous the unprovable walking smiling unaware of all of the hatred behind the rictus behind the grin the wall of perfect perfect human made dentition walking smiling into the ever after with only a smile for company The ante room the waiting the tests the no happy ever after only courtrooms only despair and flies polluting what was left of...? Read?More

May 21, 2012 7:22 am

Sometimes hard to ignore annoyances pieces of a greater whole frustration are lost in the midst of further spirals of control issues self control being the main culprit Avoiding obfuscation can be equally hard to avoid as folk rattle on about style style with nothing behind it become a string of sentences that irritate the ears as the eyes are drawn to a middle distance Avoiding the...? Read?More

denver news frozen planet creighton new smyrna beach st. joseph walking dead puerto rico primary

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