Saturday, March 24, 2012


Hello, so this is a collaborative GM attempt from Cienpher, Alasund De'astio and me, and this is the product of our work: Skinwalkers: Resonance of the Lost If all go as we predict, this will be a fun, interesting, and very refreshing roleplay experience!

So, without further ado... what exactly we're talking about!

Recommended Playlist:
Sabaku no Bluebird (Desert Bluebird) - Kagamine Len
Hoshi o Waru Tori (The Bird that Crossed the Stars) - Kagamine Len
Tayutau - DJ Okanari

Welcome to a different world - a world where the era of civilization has long passed by. War, plague, industrial accidents, and natural disasters have left their mark, leaving much of this earth bare and barren. Plants struggle for their own survival, and agriculture is an impossible goal from the infertile soil. With no electrical grid and few working generators, technology is a rare and foreign commodity. The era of skyscrapers and electronic goods are times of obscure legends. Many dangerous, mutated creatures roam this land, making life far too hazardous to those who foolishly choose to venture alone.

For this reason, most humans exist in small, highly superstitious villages. They shun all that are strange to them, frightened of the bizarre, the potentially dangerous... some, even their own children. There is one particular being, born of human parents that is regarded with greater suspicion and terror than any other: Skinwalkers.

They choose to call themselves Changers, Skinwalkers being a title bestowed upon them by terrified humans, and they are easily identified from birth or shortly afterwards. They are born with strange traits - perhaps sharp teeth, blunt claws for nails, or slits for pupils. Some have feathers in the stead of hair, and others, normal in appearance, may display oddities in their behavior. A child might chase mice, might howl to the moon... but most frightening to the humans of all, is how these Changers or Skinwalkers could change their forms, take the form of an animal... of course, which is from what both their titles were derived.

Humans could not explain why this happened, so they assumed the powers evil in origin. Eventually it came to be that these shape-shifting beings were shunned from society all together. Most were killed upon discovery, in fear that the parents would be shunned from their own society as heralds of evil. Some were abandoned, banished into the olden ruins by their family or village, and told in no certain terms that if they were seen again, no mercy would be shown. Of course, now and again, the odd human would do so tearfully, sorrowfully.....

While life was difficult for humans in this harsh world, it was all the worse for the Changers. Most died out, being abandoned too young to survive in the wastelands. Even those who grew to adulthood, being alone with few skills of their own, were quickly killed by the mutant creatures that roamed the wastes and ruins. Others lost their humanity completely, becoming nothing more than savage beasts.

However, some - the resourceful, the strong, the adaptable - managed to survive, and of them, a handful... just a mere handful banded together into packs in order to increase their chances at this game of life and death.

Now, what is our story? What is so significant about these Changers, these Skinwalkers, that we've told you so much about them now? What do they have to do with the city now known as Aethes? To put it simply, the world of this story is not all that large - it focuses on this lost city of Aethes, on two branches of Changers. The more prominent, the one that even far off human settlements have heard rumors of, is the growing empire - his empire. He bears power over the hundreds of Changers, shunned from the rest of the world, who gathered in the city ruins. They respect him and follow him for his great strength. He makes his base at the sole reservoir of Aethes - a precious site as clean water is scarce, and even the rain is contaminated. He shoulders the burden of making it last and keeping the citizens safe and well.

He is a hero to all the Changers of the world...

Despite the praises surrounding this great leader, both within the borders of Aethes and in the surrounding wastelands as well, there are a select few who do not support him, few who do not believe in this supposed 'great hero', 'great leader'.

A small band of rebels living within Aethes, they call themselves The Pack.

This 'pack' - well, it seems only they will ever know why they've chosen to oppose the leader of this growing empire. With their smaller, insignificant numbers, they have accomplished little - too little. The Pack has few accomplishments to speak of except that they have yet to be caught, have yet to die out. The Army has declared to the inhabitants of the empire that these rebels, along with any and all humans that happen to stray into the city, were to be killed on sight. For what reason? Well, what everyone's heard is that the rebels of The Pack are working to cast the Changer empire, their hard won prosperity to ruin, and bring humans back to Aethes. Only the rebels know how close or far to truth these words may be.

Once upon a time, the world was green and filled with life, and on one portion of that world, there was a great city, prosperous and grand. It was said to be a bustling capital city, a metropolis famous for its stunning lights and starry nights. An urban paradise, it was called, with at least one thing that appealed to everyone. A melting pot of cultures all set melded into one society.

That world and that city are no more.

The reason was lost in the haze of years past, but the world is barren now. The earth is dry with desert sands replacing what was once called an ocean. Trees are scarce and waters scarcer, and the creatures who depend on both are dying out. There are places in this new world that can bear no life and all who set foot there are horribly disfigured or driven mad. The old languages are lost. The old writings are lost. The old way of living is forever lost. This lifeless world, this dying world, is the present world that some say was born of greed, of fear, of anger, or ambition. This is the present world that spares no one of its suffering, yet some still struggle to live on. The humans clung together, finding settlements closest to resources to try and continue their legacy. However, it was not only the world that changed. Over the years, mutants emerged, dangerous and wilder than any existing beast. Perhaps it was the influence of this new addition to the world, these terrifying creatures, that caused the humans to hate the Changers so. It is unknown when they first called them Skinwalkers, a word that held significance in olden words, but now was said with contempt and fear.

More time passed, and more and more of these Changers, these Skinwalkers emerged, and more and more were cast into the wastelands, far from any site that could hope to sustain life. Those who managed to survive chose to wander, and many who wandered found the ruins of a city. They were the remains of what was clearly once a great settlement, but that mattered not. What mattered was this: it was a home, and the humans hadn't found it yet. Thus, survivors began to gather and start new lives, and this city came to be called Aethes.

Through word of mouth and the spirit of rumors, stories of this Changer City reached even human settlements, which put them ill at ease. The Changers who heard of it, however, found hope. Yet there were still problems - shunned from society, few Changers knew of how to survive with others. Every one of them lived for themselves alone. Anarchy ensued.

Now, it is unknown for what reasons, but there was one Changer who rose above the rest of them. He united the population under him, and through him, peace was found. Did he simply decide to take advantage of a weakened society and seize power? Or was he truly hoping to unite the Changers to start their own legacy? As with a pack, his true intentions are known only to him, but the fact of the matter is this:

Now we have an empire. Now we have an army.

With these two things come rules and oppression, but whether the people accept it or not is not our place to tell.
This is where our story starts, with the great empire of a great Changer, and the small Pack of rebels who seek to stop it.

Its name and glory lost in time, this city is the empty skeleton of a once grand civilization. Although it has earned many names in myths and tales, those who know of it now call it Aethes. What it was in the past is of no importance now... because in these times, it is no longer the awe-inspiring city it once was. Now, it is simply the only place for Changers to go. These city ruins are set in the wastes, with the human-settled hills to the distant north and desert every other way. These deserts hide no wells, and rain is scarce - what little there is has been contaminated anyway. Yet, despite these conditions, within these ruins, Changers have forged a small society.

The heart of it lies near the center of the ruins - a building miraculously standing, far less weather-beaten than the others. It seems there was some misinformation in the prior passage - these deserts hide no wells... but they do hide a reservoir.

His reservoir.

It is unknown how this building survived when all others collapsed under the burden of time and contamination, and even more mysterious is how the water within it has remained pure when even rain falls like acid. Some say the supernatural is at work, that it was a gift from some greater power, and perhaps it is so - after all, when one peers into the waters at night, they'll see a thousand glittering lights like stars within their depths. However, none of the common people can see this. As stated before, ever since he united the Changers, this is his reservoir, and he keeps it guarded close. Beside it, he has constructed a makeshift fortress, large enough for him and all his officials, taking up a good third of the ruins still standing. From here, he rules over the city of Aethes.

The rest of the Changers have forged new lives in the surrounding buildings, those ruins just stable enough to inhabit. As for the remainder, although by description, it is still a part of Aethes, these ruins are little more than rubble. Only mutants lurk and thrive here in these crumbled structures... or so most believe.

What most do not realize is there is more to the debris than it seems.

In a section at the outskirts of Aethes, where the concrete fell most heavily and the dust lies thickest, there is more than just the mutants. Beneath the rubble, hidden within the ruins is a rebellion. How is this possible? Well, there is shelter beneath the debris. This shelter comes in the form of a single car of what was once some kind of mechanized, elongated form of transportation. There is not much room at all, and certainly it cannot be compared to the fortress the leader of Aethes has constructed, but this is where the Pack does its work. Perhaps it is for the best, as so far from the fortress and the populated parts of the city and buried beneath the rubble so, this base is near impossible to find. However, as mentioned, it seems to be a car of what was once an elongated machine, so perhaps beneath the layers of surrounding remains, there are similar shelters waiting to be discovered.


Other information:
Changing is a process that requires an incessant amount of willpower and energy from the changer. Varying from person to person, they might experience excruciating pain to mild discomfort to absolutely nothing at all during the shift between forms. Once starting the process, it takes about three seconds on average, and once started, the process cannot be reverted midway. Many Changers avert their eyes through the process as a courtesy, as it is somewhat disconcerting to see one's form rebel against its given nature. Changing with a broken bone or other injury is not recommended, as the process places unnecessary strain on the wound, and no one knows exactly what havoc these injuries will cause - and the pain is debilitating as well. Undoing the change partway is impossible. Many have tried to stop their transformation or manipulate the order in which their changes take place, but to this date, no one has succeeded.

As when changing from an animal to a human causes some difficulties with clothing, the Army possesses a special material. This cloth is durable yet retains an elastic quality, enabling it to shrink into a collar on an animal, and rolled down to resemble clothing upon return to human form. This material is so rare that only a few Changers outside of the upper echelon of the Army will possess it, so others have to make due with whatever they have available.

It is unsure why some strains of animals have morphed into these hideous, monstrous creatures. However, they are far more dangerous than any Changer. Adapting to survive in the new ruined world... maybe they've lost something as well.

The most common type is that of a deer. Not the pacifist, flighty animals from the past, they have evolved to grow large, twisted, and cruelly barbed antlers, specifically designed to rend and rip through flesh. Although they still possess their speed, their hooves have strengthened and sharpened greatly. Their eyes are sunken now, from a lifetime of hunting those that used to be their predators. Somewhere in the past, their ancestors have interbred with giraffes and horses, leaving them with a thick mane and a longer, almost swollen neck.

In the air, a large winged mutated bird flies. With blood red plumage, and a screeching caw, their very shadow can send the shivers into even bravest of the Changers. They can be seen diving down into the city, and coming up with a squirming object in their talons. There are still stories these rocs, as they are called, taking live Changers into the air before dropping them down from heights. Otherwise, the screams from their victims being ripped into pieces rock Aethes every now and then. They possess two heads, both armed with a sharp beak, and more frightening, both heads have been seen fighting in some occurrences. Their talons are sharp and black in color, and these rocs possess three on each foot, six in total.

But they aren't the worst that are out there. Frequently seen is a type of beast that resembles a mix between the lion and various other predators. With strength that rivals that of even the strongest Changers, they are spotted with faint cloud-like designs. Their bite has been known to kill instantly and many a Changer has lost their life at its feet. A thick lion's mane surrounds black eyes for both genders, and a fierce, tooth-filled maw. Luckily, these are seen much less commonly than the mutated deer, but there are rumors about how these mutants have attained a taste for Changers in particular. They normally prey upon the deer, but can be seen eating anything that moves. No longer the king of beasts, but they still possess their feared power.

However, most Changers don't get to see more than a shadow lurking in the ruins, and those who have don't live to tell the tale...

And there are even more. Other types have been spotted around the city, but with no survivors, nothing is known about their appearance. When arriving at the scene, all that is ever left are the largest blood-stained tracks that the Skinwalkers have ever seen. There is never any bodies - only bloodstains mark the final resting places of these unfortunate souls.

Electricity? Digital? What are those? They are things of legend, so obscure that even names of such objects have been forgotten. There is no source of power in this new world, all the grids having failed far before any memory's reach. Yes, one might be able to find the shell of a battery, the remnant of that mysterious device called a camera, but they're little more than paperweights and other junk to the inhabitants of this new world. The closest thing to technology they possess are handguns and rifles. Pure mechanics - no convenient energy, but even then, the army is in possession of most of the remaining firearms, and the last remnants of ammunition are jealously stored.

This is the world they live in.


Changers are those who can shift between the form of a human and that of an animal, but there are differences and rules regarding this strange ability.

Some Changers are more animalistic as humans than others.
Some Changers are more human as animals than others.

What traits carry over to either side seems rather difficult to define, but here it is described to the best of anyone's ability.

Lupus - More common than quite a few other kinds, Lupus are the strongest and toughest of the Changers, usually being able to take several more hits and lift things far greater than other Changers. Their senses, especially their sense of smell and hearing, are increased, and they are generally good at tracking. Adversely, their exquisite sense of smell is also a weakness, with Lupus Changers having fallen unconscious from overpowering stenches. They also have a limited sense of balance compared to other Changers, and find climbing difficult to learn. They also generally have a red-green colour blindness, thought to be inherited from their changed form, which is that of a dog. Differentiation between breeds is unclear, as most tend to take the form of a mix of several different sorts with a large variation in builds, coats, and temperaments. However in general, they are larger, sturdier boned creatures with strong jaws and large muscle mass. Rather, put more simply, they tend to be mutts. They tend to be at odds with Miaos due to conflicting animalistic natures, and are naturally untrusting of Raposas.

Miao - Don't let the cutesy name fool you, these Miao Changers turn into feral cats. They are one of the more nimble Changers, at least when it comes to their feet. There are isolated occurences where there have been Miao Changers, known as Greater Miao, that have turned into smaller wildcats, such as lynxes, ocelots, and fishing cats. They are often very nimble on their feet, being good at jumping and keeping their balance in adverse conditions. They also extremely good night vision and the ability to hear a long distance, as well as able to properly hear a greater variety of frequencies, even more so than their Lupus cousins. In return, they are hypersensitive to movement, often enough to cause distraction. Their palette can also be a problem for them, with inability to taste sweetness and various obscure things being poisonous to them when they otherwise wouldn't be. Such things include Easter lilies, large amounts of garlic and various types of painkillers.

Aveis - A smaller and rarer Changer, the Aveis changers take the form of a bird - usually various songbirds or scavengers. Every-so-often, an odd small bird of prey is found, deemed 'Larger Aveis' by the local Changer population. Their human form is usually marked by features mixed in their hair or on their body. Like their changed form, Aveis possess lightweight bones, a high metabolic rate, and efficient breathing. Although this makes them lighter than a majority of Changers, this gives them have a certain susceptibility to poison, a larger appetite compared to others, and brittle bones. In their avian form, most possess the ability to fly, although the aptitude of using this form of transportation depends on both practice and the species. Aveis possess the strongest eyesight of all the Changers and are able to see ultraviolet light and a wide spectrum of colors. However, their sense of smell and taste are muted due to their dependence on sight. They tend to be scared of Miaos and Ariads, due to incombility of species.

Reban - An unusual changer, those of the Reban kind are able to take the form of a raccoon. They are the most dextrous of the changers, being naturally quick and nimble with their fingers. How this skill is used differs between individuals, but it is well known that many thieves find root in their Reban nature. In general, their changed forms have poor eyesight, but have superior hearing in compensation. They also possess an enhanced sense of smell, although it is not on par with those of Lupus or Raposas. The human forms of Reban are marked with the same dexterity and hyper-sensitivity in their hands as their animal counterparts, but often also retain physical qualities such as the blunt claws or the coarse nature or hues of their fur in their hair. In changed form, they are skilled climbers and fair swimmers, but their physical speed itself is lacking due to the shortness of their limbs. However, this is of a lesser concern, as a raccoon's stealth in the trees compensates for its lack of agility. Such characteristics overall make Rebans good survivors, particularly since most take on the diet of their changed form - anything edible. Rebans are often distrusted due to the negative associations with their kind.

Ariad - Perhaps the strangest of all Changers, the Ariads are able to take the form of spiders, more often venomous than not. Stranger still, many retain much of their animal advvantages in their human form. Some are able to scale walls, while others retain weak venom in their teeth, and a rare few can spin silk as a human. For these reasons, most Ariads are reluctant to change into their tiny, vulnerable, but more deadly forms. However, these retained advantages mean that they also retain the disadvantages of their changed form. Ariads, be it in changed or human form, lack a clear sense of balance or speed, and they rely solely on eyesight to determine orientation. Without their vision, they are unable to tell which side is up, but they also have rather poor eyesight in general.

Raposa - Another rare and unusual Changer, the Raposa can take the form of foxes of many kinds. They are naturally independent and cunning, inheriting the reputably sly nature of their changed forms. This, coupled with their agile form and keen senses, make them skilled hunters and accomplished survivalists. Their eyes are sensitive to movement, although not as much as Miaos, and a sensitive nose, although lacking in comparison to those of some kinds of Lupus. They are stealthy in their own right and can navigate with ease in the dark, but their physical strength is diminished compared to humans and some other Changers. As an instinct inherited from their changed form, Raposa are naturally wary of Lupus.

Murin - The Murin have the ability to change into a mouse or a rat. For this reason, they are quite possibly the most mistreated of all Changers. They are often deemed prey by animals and other Changers alike, and also bullied for their minute stature. In general, the humans resemble their changed form - small, frail, and physically unimpressive. However, their lack of natural defenses give them one great benefit: they have no equal when it comes to disappearing. Their small form and agility give Murin the ability to hide from predators, from all enemies, and if they choose, easily keep watch on others should it come to that. Understandably, most have an aversion to Miaos.

The Pack: (If a role does not say 'Open' beside it, someone has expressed interest in the role)
Leader - The founder and the de-facto leader of this smaller faction. [Open]
Scout - Checking the nearby area for others who may be either enemies or allies.
Thief - The one who takes anything and everything that might be of help to the cause.
Infiltrator - There needs to be someone who knows what's going on in the camp of their very enemy, right? After all, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Strategist - The one who creates the plans that the Rebels follow.
Medic - With their measly numbers, it's vital that they remain in the best health as is possible.
Youth - Of all their numbers, the youth is the most endangered... after all, the child of a Changer is almost always a human child...

The Army:
Leader - The most powerful person in The Army. This is his army, not anyone else's
Wife/Advisor - The closest person to the Leader - she is the one that holds his ear.
First Lieutenant - A Lupus who is directly under the Leader's rule and controls the soldiers in the Army.
Second Lieutenant - As with the First Lieutenant, a Lupus who is directly under the leader's rule and controls the soldiers in the Army.
Doctor - What kind of army is this who doesn't have someone to patch everyone up?
Bodyguard - The job of the Bodyguard is simply to make sure that the head of the empire doesn't get cut off...
Spymaster - Collecting information - dealing with other spies - a behind the scenes job
Spy - A Changer that collects information until the control of the Spymaster
Interrogator - Your secrets are unsafe with the Interrogator around...
Propagandist - Every regime comes with someone to iron out everything to the public. This one is no exception.

Other characters: [2/2 filled]
Watcher - One who watches, who views all from afar. The teller and keeper.
Freelancer - A powerful ally who takes no sides, simply assisting those who have more to offer.

Note: We're always willing to create new roles if you're interested, especially in the army, so even if we're officially full, ask. ^^

Who and What We Want:

1. Our posting requirements are as follows: it must be sufficiently detailed, original, and interactive. Each post should move the plot of the roleplay forward by some small extent. We understand that not everyone is the best when it comes to grammar, so all that we ask is that we see a visible effort. No blazing malapropisms, no obvious spelling or punctuation errors, and no internet/text jargon is sufficient. It is not at all that difficult to run your post through a word processing program for spell and grammar checks. We have a tendency to write longer posts ourselves, so as a result, we prefer longer posts from others as well, but in the end it's your choice. Detailed, original, interactive, and moves the plot forward - then we'll all be happy ^^

2. As for characters, please make your characters original! No one enjoys a cookie-cutter personality... take the time to give your creation life. Make it so that you would be able to pluck them out, set them down, and see them make it off into the world.

3. People who participate in the OOC would be much participated. A quiet OOC thread is boring... but also, there is often vital information that could be discussed there.

4. People with a good deal of common sense and courtesy. Some people with sanity would be nice as well, seeing as we all lack it quite a bit XD


A large thank you to VitaminHeart for the roleplay that inspired this idea, and giving us permission to use names from it! More thank you's to the artists of the pictures we have used, but we apologize for not being able to quote your names! One last thank you to those who read all of this and feel interested enough to join!

So, please at least have a look, and if interested - drop us a note over by the OOC ^^


the incredibles jon bon jovi dead new jersey plane crash kobe bryant wife bonjovi dead sam shepard sam shepard

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