Friday, September 21, 2012

What Are The Best MLM Leads? |

Friday, September 21st, 2012

I am asked almost daily what exactly are the best MLM leads and where do I get them? The first thing you need to understand is that a lead list is nothing more than a place to start your business. You need to talk to someone, and that starts with a list. I am not referring to the list of family, friends and everyone that you ever met including your 1st grade teacher list. You remember that list, the one your sponsor told you to put together the first night, the list that is going to make you rich. It could, but odds are against that happening.

Where do you find the best MLM leads?

Without a doubt, the best MLM leads are generated through your own marketing and lead funnels. While some type of purchased list may be a good to get you started while you are generating those leads, your own home grown, self generated leads will always be the best choice. Many folks have been hugely successful in this industry approaching their warm market. Others have made

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