Saturday, December 3, 2011

New Sandusky accuser: Dozens of instances of abuse

Former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky was sued by a new accuser in the child sex abuse scandal.

By The Associated Press and

PHILADELPHIA -- Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky sexually abused a young boy more than 100 times after meeting him through the charity he founded, then threatened the boy's family to keep him quiet about the encounters, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday.

The lawsuit identifies the plaintiff, now 29, only as John Doe. It claims Sandusky abused the boy at the coach's State College home, at Penn State facilities and on at least one bowl game trip.

The plaintiff is not among eight victims named in a grand jury report released earlier this month that detailed a series of alleged assaults involving Sandusky and boys as young as 10. Sandusky has acknowledged showering and embracing young boys but denies molesting them.

?According to the lawsuit, Sandusky gave the boy gifts, travel and privileges after meeting him through his charity, The Second Mile, in 1992, when the boy was 10. The abuse began shortly after and lasted until 1996, the suit said, occurring in "multiple occasions and multiple locations."

In a written statement released Wednesday, the plaintiff says he's taking legal action because he doesn't want other kids to be abused.

"The people at Penn State and Second Mile didn't do the things they should have to protect me and the other kids. I am hurting and have been for a long time because of what happened but feel now even more tormented that I have learned of so many other kids [who] were abused after me," the statement says. "I want other people who have been hurt to know they can come forward and get helpand help protect others in the future."

Sandusky is charged with abusing eight boys, some on campus, over 15 years, allegations that were not immediately brought to the attention of authorities even though high-level people at Penn State apparently knew about at least one of them.

'Extreme and outrageous conduct'
The lawsuit filed Wednesday continues, "Penn State's and Second Mile's conduct in employing Sandusky, holding out its premises as a safe environment for children when it had reason to know it could be a dangerous place for children, and thereby causing Plaintiff to be raped by Sandusky constituted extreme and outrageous conduct that was atrocious and went beyond all bounds of decency."

The scandal has resulted in the departure of school President Graham Spanier and longtime coach Joe Paterno. Athletic Director Tim Curley has been placed on administrative leave, and Vice President Gary Schultz, who was in charge of the university's police department, has stepped down.

Schultz and Curley are charged with lying to the grand jury and failure to report to police, and Sandusky is charged with child sex abuse. All maintain their innocence.

The plaintiff is represented by attorney Jeffrey Anderson, a longtime advocate against child sex abuse. Anderson held a news conference Wednesday in Philadelphia, where the suit was filed.

Sandusky's lawyer did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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